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The Language ULR requires you to be able to communicate with culturally appropriate manners at an intermediate level in a world language other than English. Further, you must demonstrate a basic knowledge of cultural products, practices and perspectives of the target culture. Courses currently approved to fulfill this ULR are listed below. Links to placement, the ULR's outcomes, assessement and an archived list of courses no longer satisfying the ULR can be found below or in the left-side navigation column.
Freshmen and Transfer Students With Fewer Than 56 Units
Freshmen and students transferring to CSU Monterey Bay with fewer than 56 units must acquire language proficiency through the fourth level (101, 102, 201 and 202) unless declaring and graduating in one of the following majors:
each of which requires proficiency only through third level (101, 102 and 201). These high-unit majors--in contrast to other majors which can be completed with 120 units--require in excess of 120 units or would exceed 120 units if a fourth-level of language were required. Therefore, the required language proficiency is through third level rather than fourth level.
Freshmen with Qualifying Advancement Placement Test Scores
Students entering CSUMB who have passed the Chinese Language and Culture, French Language, German Language, Italian Language (~2009), Japanese Language and Culture or Spanish Language Advanced Placement exam with a score of 3 or above are awarded six credits.
Students who score a 4 or 5 on the AP Exam have satisfied the Language ULR. Students who score a 3 on the AP Exam in Japanese Language and Culture or Spanish Language should take a placement exam or confer with the Language ULR chair to determine appropriate placement at CSUMB.
Transfer Students with 56 or More Units
Transfer students with 56 or more transferable units must acquire language proficiency through third level (levels 101, 102 and 201).
Placement for Language Proficiency in a Non-English Language
Students with proficiency in a language other than English are encouraged to work with faculty to determine their proficiency and be placed into language courses at the appropriate level.
Assessment Sections
Students may be able to meet the language requirement through assessment of prior learning in the following languages: Arabic (ARAB), American Sign Language (ASL), Cantonese (CANT), Farsi (FRSI), French (FREN), German (GERM), Hebrew (HEBR), Italian (ITAL), Japanese (JAPN), Korean (KOREAN), Mandarin (MAND), Polish (POL), Portuguese (PORT), Russian (RUS), Spanish (SPAN), Tagalog (TAG), Thai (THAI), Turkish (TURK) and Vietnamese (VIET). Students may enroll in the sections of language levels 101, 102, 201 or 202), whose course titles include the assessment abbreviation "ASMT."
Courses currently approved to fulfill this ULR are listed below. Courses no longer satisfying the ULR can be viewed in Archived Courses in the left-side navigation column. Also use the left-side navigation column or click the following links to learn about the learning outcomes and assessment options for this requirement.
ASL 101: Beg American Sign Lang I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
CHIN 101: Intro Chinese Lang & Culture (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1995
ITAL 101: Beginning Italian I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
JAPN 101: Beginning Japanese I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1995
KOR 101: Beginning Korean I ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1996
SPAN 101: Beginning Spanish I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1995
VIET 101: Begin Vietnamese I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
ASL 102: Beg American Sign Lang II (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
CHIN 102: Beg Chinese II (Mandarin) (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1996
ITAL 102: Beginning Italian II (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1997
JAPN 102: Beginning Japanese II (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1996
KOR 102: Beginning Korean II ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
PORT 102: Begin Portuguese II: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2000
SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish II (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1996
ARAB 201: Interm Arabic I: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
ASL 201: Intermediate ASL I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
CANT 201: Interm Cantonese I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
CHIN 201: Intrm Chinese I(Mandarin) (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
FREN 201: Interm French I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
FRSI 201: Interm Farsi I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
GERM 201: Interm German I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
HEBR 201: Interm Hebrew I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
ITAL 201: Intermediate Italian I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
JAPN 201: Intermediate Japanese I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
KOR 201: Interm Korean I ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
MAND 201: Interm Mandarin I ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
POL 201: Interm Polish I: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
PORT 201: Interm Portuguese I: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
RUS 201: Interm Russian I: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1995
TAG 201: Interm Tagalog I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
THAI 201: Interm Thai I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
TURK 201: Interm Turkish I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
VIET 201: Interm Vietnamese I Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
ARAB 202: Interm Arabic II: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
ASL 202: Intermed ASL II (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1998
CANT 202: Interm Cantonese II Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
CHIN 202: Intermediate Chinese II (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1997
FREN 202: Interm French II Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
FRSI 202: Interm Farsi II Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
GERM 202: Interm German II Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
HEBR 202: Interm Hebrew II Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
ITAL 202: Intermed Italian II (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1998
JAPN 202: Intermediate Japanese II (4 to 6 units)
Approved from Spring 1997
JAPN 301: Advanced Japn I (4 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
JAPN 302: Adv Japn II: History of Japan (4 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
JAPN 303: Business Japanese (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
JAPN 304: Technical Japanese (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
JAPN 380: Japan: Land and People (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
JAPN 401: Advanced Japanese III (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
JAPN 402: Advanced Japanese IV (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
KOR 202: Interm Korean II ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
MAND 202: Interm Mandarin II ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
POL 202: Interm Polish II: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
PORT 202: Interm Portuguese II: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
RUS 202: Interm Russian II: ASMT (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish II (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1996
SPAN 212: Span For Span Speakers I (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
SPAN 301: Comp/Oral Practice (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
SPAN 302: Hist/Phonetic Struct Span Lang (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1998
SPAN 303: Adv Spanish Grammar (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1997
SPAN 304: Intro To Hispanic Literat (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1998
SPAN 306: Cultur/Civ Span Ltn Amer (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
SPAN 310: Hispanic Child Lit (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
SPAN 321: Masterpieces of Hispanic Lit (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2001
SPAN 425: La Literatura Mexicana (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1996
SPAN 426: Narativa Hispanoamericana (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
SPAN 427: Latin Amer Women Writers (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1997
SPAN 428: La Literatura Afrolatina (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
TAG 202: Interm Tagalog II Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
THAI 202: Interm Thai II Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
TURK 202: Interm Turkish II Assessment (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
VIET 202: Interm Vietnamese II Assessmnt (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
Shigeko Sekine
shigeko_sekine [at] csumb [dot] edu