The Community Participation ULR fosters the development of self-reflective, culturally aware, and responsive community participants through reciprocal service and learning.
Courses currently approved to fulfill this ULR are listed below. Links to the ULR's outcomes, assessement and an archived list of courses no longer satisfying the ULR can be found below or in the left-side navigation column.
ASMT 433: Community Participation (1 units)
Approved from Fall 2000
BUS 202S: Micro Economics (Comm Partic) (5 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
HCOM 211S: Reading Writing Crit Thkg SL (6 units)
Approved from Spring 2004
KIN 271S: Fdn of Well: Comm Participate (5 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
LS 298S: Intro to Teaching & Learning S (3 units)
Approved from Fall 2006
SL 200S: Intro to Service (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SL 201S: Intro to Service (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2002
Seth Pollack
spollack [at] csumb [dot] edu