The Ethics ULR fosters development of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to recognize, analyze, and resolve real-world ethical problems using diverse approaches to ethical decision making. Ethics ULR courses develop your capacities to recognize and responsibly address complex ethical challenges in personal, professional, and social life. You are asked to demonstrate conscious awareness of deeply held beliefs about what is important, right, wrong, good, and bad that affect how you relate to yourself and others in specific, real-world contexts. You are required to demonstrate the capacity to recognize and understand your own and others' approaches to ethical decision making and the ability to participate successfully and meaningfully in dialogues across these differences. These are critical skills that assist you in constructing, understanding, and living a conscious value system.
Courses currently approved to fulfill this ULR are listed below. Links to the ULR's outcomes, assessement and an archived list of courses no longer satisfying the ULR can be found below or in the left-side navigation column.
ASMT 425: Ethics (1 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
BUS 212: Business Communication (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2004
CHHS 350: Personal/Professional Ethics (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
CST 212: Technical Presentations (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2008
CST 373: Ethics in Comm & Tech (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
ENVS 212: Ethics, Science & Env Policy (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2008
ENVS 380: Envrnmntl & Resource Econ (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1995
GS 225: Global Voices (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
GS 330: World Views (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
HCOM 213: Intro to Comm Ethics (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
HCOM 214: Interpersonal Comm & Conflict (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
HCOM 260: Politics & Participation (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
HCOM 284: Newswriting (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
JAPN 306: The Japanese Mind (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
KIN 345: Sports Ethics (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
SBS 251: Intro to Global Economics (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2007
SBS 351: Intro to Global Economics (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2003
SBS 381: Vietnam & US Since 1880 (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2005
SL 394S: Service & Social Justice SL (2 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 2006
TAT 300: Major ProSeminar (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1996
TAT 339: Advanced Video Prod Lect (2 units)
Approved from Fall 2009
VPA 208: Power of Image (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2008
VPA 220: Museum Studies (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
VPA 308: Ways Of Seeing (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
VPA 320S: Museum Studies (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2006
Debian Marty
debian_marty [at] csumb [dot] edu