The Democratic Participation ULR requires you to use the tools of political action in a political project.
Courses currently approved to fulfill this ULR are listed below. Links to the ULR's outcomes, assessement and an archived list of courses no longer satisfying the ULR can be found below or in the left-side navigation column.
ASMT 423: Democratic Part (1 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
CST 273: Cyberdemocracy (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2004
ENVS 386: Sci, Enviro & Polit Process (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2004
ENVS 387: Water Resource Assess/Law/Poli (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
GS 200: Politics of Everyday Life (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2003
GS 200S: Politics In Everyday Life (1 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
HCOM 242: Intro to Women's Studies (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
HCOM 244: Latino USA: Ident/Experiences (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
HCOM 260: Politics & Participation (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1997
HCOM 266: Histories of Democracy (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
HCOM 267: US Political Histories (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
SBS 212: Social/Polit/Histories/US (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
SBS 244: Latino USA:Ident/Experiences (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
SBS 284S: Cult/Contexts/Bilingual/Educat (2 to 4 units)
Approved from Spring 2008
SBS 350: Domin/Resist/20th/Cent/Hist/US (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2004
SBS 385L: Democratic/Particip/Lrng/Lab (2 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
SBS 386: Social/Pol/Hist/CA (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2004
David Anderson
danderson [at] csumb [dot] edu