Each California State University, while ensuring that its curriculum allows students to fulfill General Education requirements articulated by the state and CSU system, conceives its undergraduate curriculum according to the vision of educators at that particular campus. Thus, the founding educators of CSUMB identified knowledge, skills, and attitudes anticipated as crucial to student success in the 21st-century world and workplace, then articulated them in a set of 13 University Learning Requirements. These ULRs will give you deep multicultural and community awareness and a broad knowledge base.
Of the thirteen ULRs, ten align with the CSU General Education Breadth Requirements articulated in Title V of the California Code of Regulations. The remaining three University Learning Requirements constitute three of the four CSUMB campus-specific Graduation Learning Outcomes. This placement of the University Learning Requirements throughout your academic career ensures continual exposure and learning in areas of knowledge aligned with the CSUMB Vision Statement.
To satisfy each ULR, you must do one of the following:
- Earn a grade of C or higher in a course or courses approved to satisfy the ULR.
- Enroll in and pass an appropriate assessment course. (NOTE: Alternate assessment is intended for students with significant life experience relevant to the listed outcomes for a particular ULR.)
- Transfer one or more certified GE breadth courses from other institutions. Please consult the CSUMB Articulation website for detailed information and links to the ASSIST website.
The left-side navigation lists the 13 ULRs. Follow the links to find the purpose, outcomes, approved courses, and assessment options for each.