
Spring applications first accepted:  August 1
Spring initial filing period:  August 1 - August 31


Fall applications first accepted:  October 1
Fall filing period:  October 1 - November 30

Filing Period Duration

Each non-impacted campus accepts applications until capacities are reached. Many campuses limit undergraduate admission in an enrollment category due to overall enrollment limits. If applying after the initial filing period, consult the campus admission office for current information. Similar information is conveniently available at  www.csumentor.edu/filing_status/default.asp.

If any enrollment categories are not filled during the initial filing period, CSUMB will continue to accept applications until capacity is reached. Enrollment priority within the extended period will be in the order that applications are received.

Contact Office of Admissions to confirm deadlines and policies, or visit the CSUMentor.edu website for current deadlines.