In order to graduate, you will also need to complete your general education and university requirements.
WLC Major requirements are determined by emphasis. Please see the appropriate emphasis below.
All WLC Majors will complete the following courses:
In addition, students must demonstrate that they have been actively immersed in and have internalized the culture of their selected emphasis by meeting MLO 7: Cultural Praxis.
Students who will use a Study Abroad experience to meet this outcome are strongly encouraged to enroll in JAPN 420JAPN 420: Maximizing Study Abroad prior to their study abroad experience.
Select one of the two following emphases:
Emphasis in Japanese
Complete the following course:
- JAPN 320SJAPN 320S: Advanced Japanese SL
Complete TWO of the following courses:
- JAPN 301JAPN 301: Adv Japanese Lang Cult & Com
- JAPN 302JAPN 302: History of Japan
- JAPN 303JAPN 303: Business Japanese
- JAPN 304JAPN 304: Intro Translate & Interpret
- JAPN 312JAPN 312: Japanese for the Professions
- JAPN 380JAPN 380: Japan: Land and People
- JAPN 401JAPN 401: Structure of Japanese Lang
- JAPN 402JAPN 402: Japanese Literature
Complete SIX of the following courses (Note: you may include up to two courses from the list above):
- JAPN 305JAPN 305: Intro Japanese Clture/Civ
- JAPN 306JAPN 306: The Japanese Mind
- JAPN 307JAPN 307: Japan-American Experierence
- JAPN 308JAPN 308: Japanese Pop-Culture
- JAPN 309JAPN 309: Japanese Lit in Translation
- JAPN 310JAPN 310: Japanese Cinema
- JAPN 311JAPN 311: Social Issues In Japan
- JAPN 313JAPN 313: Manga, Anime & Modern Japan
- JAPN 405JAPN 405: Economic History Of Japan
- JAPN 407JAPN 407: Japan in Asia
- JAPN 408JAPN 408: Business In Japan
Complete ONE of the following courses:
- SPAN 307SPAN 307: History&Politics Of Mex
- SPAN 308SPAN 308: Hist/Cultr Aztlan:SW US
- SPAN 309SPAN 309: Hist & Polit Of Latn Amer
- SPAN 311SPAN 311: US Foreign Policy Pac Rim
- SPAN 325SPAN 325: Hispanic Cinema
- SPAN 365SPAN 365: The Chicano Novel
- SPAN 370SPAN 370: The Chicano Community
Students are strongly encouraged to complete:
- JAPN 400JAPN 400: Adv Interpersonal Com OR JAPN 403JAPN 403: Pre-Capstone OR JAPN 404JAPN 404: Advanced Japanese Research
Emphasis in Spanish
Complete the following course:
- SPAN 301SSPAN 301S: SL in the Latino Community
Complete TWO of the following courses:
- SPAN 301SPAN 301: Comp/Oral Practice
- SPAN 302SPAN 302: Hist/Phonetic Struct Span Lang
- SPAN 303SPAN 303: Adv Spanish Grammar
- SPAN 305SPAN 305: Spanish for The Professions
- SPAN 313SPAN 313: Intro to Spanish Linguistics
- SPAN 315SPAN 315: Intro Translation Span/Eng
Complete SIX of the following courses:
- SPAN 304SPAN 304: Intro To Hispanic Literat
- SPAN 306SPAN 306: Cultur/Civ Span Ltn Amer
- SPAN 307SPAN 307: History&Politics Of Mex
- SPAN 308SPAN 308: Hist/Cultr Aztlan:SW US
- SPAN 309SPAN 309: Hist & Polit Of Latn Amer
- SPAN 310SPAN 310: Hispanic Child Lit
- SPAN 311SPAN 311: US Foreign Policy Pac Rim
- SPAN 321SPAN 321: Masterpieces of Hispanic Lit
- SPAN 328SPAN 328: Latina Life Stories
- SPAN 329SPAN 329: Auto/Biografias
- SPAN 365SPAN 365: The Chicano Novel
- SPAN 370SPAN 370: The Chicano Community
- SPAN 425SPAN 425: La Literatura Mexicana
- SPAN 426SPAN 426: Narativa Hispanoamericana
- SPAN 427SPAN 427: Latin Amer Women Writers
- SPAN 428SPAN 428: La Literatura Afrolatina
Complete ONE of the following courses:
- JAPN 305JAPN 305: Intro Japanese Clture/Civ
- JAPN 306JAPN 306: The Japanese Mind
- JAPN 307JAPN 307: Japan-American Experierence
- JAPN 308JAPN 308: Japanese Pop-Culture
- JAPN 309JAPN 309: Japanese Lit in Translation
- JAPN 310JAPN 310: Japanese Cinema
- JAPN 311JAPN 311: Social Issues In Japan
- JAPN 313JAPN 313: Manga, Anime & Modern Japan
- JAPN 405JAPN 405: Economic History Of Japan
- JAPN 407JAPN 407: Japan in Asia
- JAPN 408JAPN 408: Business In Japan