University Requirements

FYS: First Year Seminar FYS 156: Technology and Society4
American Institutions CST 273: Cyberdemocracy4
Language proficiencyLanguage 2014

General Education

A1: Oral & Written Communication CST 211: Technical Communications4
A2: Oral&WrtnCom/CritThink/EthicsAny approved course4
A3: Oral&WrtnCom/CritThink/EthicsAny approved course4
B1: Physical ScienceAny approved course4
B2: Life ScienceAny approved course4
B4: Math STAT 100: Introduction to Statistics4
C1: Arts CST 227: Intro Digital Graphic Design4
C2: Humanities CST 271: Digital Culture8
C3: World LanguageLanguage 1024
D1: Social Sciences FYS 156: Technology and Society4
D2: U.S. Histories & Democratic Part CST 273: Cyberdemocracy4
D3: Lower Division Service LearningAny approved course4
D4: Upper Division Service Learning CST 461S or CST 361S4
E: Health & Well BeingAny approved course4

Major Learning Requirements

Click on each MLO to see which courses fulfill that requirement.

MLO 1: Professional Communication and Development0
MLO 2: Interaction Design4
MLO 3: Design Principles 0
MLO 4: Programming4
MLO 5: Computing and Networking4
MLO 6: Ethics4
MLO 7: Application and Synthesis28

Additional Courses

CD Elective4
Free Elective4