Semester Credits Required
Total credits in the minor: 12 credits that do not double-count for the student's major.
STAT 100STAT 100: Introduction to Statistics or STAT 250STAT 250: Applied Stat:Sci Tech or MATH 320MATH 320: App Prob and Stat
Complete the following courses (12 credits; may not double count for major):
- STAT 320STAT 320: Mathematical Statistics
OR MATH 320MATH 320: App Prob and Stat - STAT 410STAT 410: App Stat Meth:Linear Models
OR ENVS 550ENVS 550: Research Methods - STAT 395STAT 395: Special Topics
OR SBS 366/LSBS 366/L: Rsrch Mthd for SBS:Quant Emph
OR ENVS 350ENVS 350: Quantitative Field Methods
OR ENVS 355ENVS 355: Environmental Monitoring
OR MSCI 350MSCI 350: Quantitative Marine Science
OR CHHS 385CHHS 385: Applied Stats/Research Mthds
OR PSY 301/LPSY 301/L: Adv/Psychological Statistics
OR other upper-division course with advisor approval (4 credits) that has a substantial statistics content.