This pathway is one example of how you might complete all the requirements for your degree in an order that makes sense given prerequisites. It is meant to give you a general sense of what your education will look like.

Your own unique situation and a number of other factors may mean your actual pathway is different. Perhaps you'll need an extra math or language class, or one of the courses we've listed isn't offered in a particular semester. Dont' worry - there is flexibility built into the curriculum. You'll want to work closely with an advisor and use the academic advisement report to take all that into account and develop a pathway that's customized for you.
In the meantime, use this example as a starting point for choosing classes or discussing your plans with an advisor. Your advisor is your best resource when it comes to figuring out how to fit all the courses you need, in the right sequence, into your personal academic plan.

Fall Freshman

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) Met
FYS 143: Philosophy of Nonviolence4
STAT 100: Introduction to Statistics4B4: Math
GS 214: Global History I: to 15004
Any Approved Course3E: Health & Well Being

* This FYS class is just an example. The FYS class you choose might meet a different GE area, so you would have to adjust your actual pathway accordingly.

Spring Freshman

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) Met
SBS 200: Communication Skills Soc Sci4A1: Oral & Written Communication
HCOM 267: US Political Histories4D2: U.S. Histories & Democratic Part
SBS 101: Intro Cultural Anthropology4D1: Social Sciences
Language 1014C3: World Language

Fall Sophomore

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) Met
Any Approved Course4
GS 215: Global History II: Since 15004
Language 1024
Any Approved Course4

Spring Sophomore

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) Met
Language 2014Language Proficiency Requirement
Any Approved Course4B1: Physical Science
SL 230S: Building Community: the Arts6

Fall Junior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) Met
SBS 300: Major/ProSem:Theo/Meth/SBS4
SBS 300L: Professional Skills Soc Sci2
SBS 315: Growth & Conflict/US to 19204MLO 3: Specialized Disciplinary and Area Studies Competency
GS 316: Historical Approaches4MLO 2: Research methods

Spring Junior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) Met
SBS 350: Domination & Resistance: US4
SBS 386: Social/Pol/Hist/CA4MLO 3: Specialized Disciplinary and Area Studies Competency
SBS 328: Social Science Theory Module2MLO 1: Social theory
SBS 362: Rsrch Mthd for SBS: Qual Emph4MLO 2: Research methods
SBS 362L: Rsrch Mthd SBS: Qual Emph Lab1MLO 2: Research methods

Spring Senior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) Met
SBS 402: Senior Capstone Seminar II3MLO 4: Application of social science principles and practices in real world contexts
SBS 405: Assessment Lab/Grad/Srs1MLO 4: Application of social science principles and practices in real world contexts
SBS 351: Intro to Global Economics4
SBS 350L: Domination/Resistance Lab1
Any Approved Course2

Total: 120 units