Students shall take no more than four lower-division courses with the same subject prefix as their major to fulfill their general education requirements.

Students should take one of the following courses only after they have achieved upper division status (60+ units).  

Approved Courses

  • BIO 300: Issues & Ethics in Biology (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • BUS 304: Reading, Writing & CT/Bus II (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • CHHS 302: Professional Communication (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • CST 300: Major ProSeminar Lecture (2 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • ENSTU 300: Crit Thkg & Comm in Env Stds (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2013

  • ENVS 300: Crit Thkg & Comm in Env Sci (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • GS 362: Global Literatures (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • HCOM 311: LS only:GWAR Pract Reason&Comm (3 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • HCOM 312: GWAR-Cooperative Argumentation (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • HCOM 313: GWAR Assessment (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • HCOM 317S: Advanced Composition SL (6 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • HCOM 318: GWARAdvCompTheory/PracK-8Teach (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • LS 300: Major ProSeminar (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2013

  • MATH 300: Major Proseminar (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • MPA 312: Music in Film (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • MSCI 300: Marine Sci, Comm, & Policy (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2013

  • SBS 300: Major/ProSem:Theo/Meth/SBS (3 to 4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • SBS 300L: Professional Skills Soc Sci (1 to 2 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • TAT 300: Major ProSeminar (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

  • VPA 313: Regional Art History (4 units)
    Approved from Fall 2012

CSU General Education Alignment

  • GWAR: CSU GE Area A4


  1. Comprehend and Interpret Multiple Perspectives:  Students demonstrate the ability to understand information, ideas, and insights presented by diverse authors through written, oral, visual, and electrconic means of communication and explain its significance at an advanced collegiate level.
  2. Analyze Multiple Perspectives:  Students demonstrate the ability to effectively and ethically analyze multiple perspectives in pursuit of sound decision making.
  3. Evaluate Multiple Perspectives:  Students demonstrate the ability to effectively and ethically evaluate multiple perspectives in pursuit of sound decision making.
  4. Make and Justify Decisions:  Students demonstrate the ability to integrate reason and communication in pursuit of sound decisions.
  5. Communicate Orally and in Writing:  Students demonstrate the ability to use written and oral communication ethically and effectively at an advanced collegiate level.