You can view basic descriptions for all courses with a particular prefix by using the left navigation, or by selecting a title in the list below. You can view individual course descriptions that include specific section information by clicking on the title of any course listed on the CSUMB.EDU/schedule website.
You should reference these course listings only as a general guide. CSUMB reserves the right to change course titles, credits, prerequisites, corequisites, enrollment restrictions, descriptions, and frequency without prior notice.
Subject Code | Description |
ADMN | Administrative Course |
ARAB | Arabic |
ASL | American Sign Language |
ASMT | Assessment |
BIO | Biology |
BUS | Business |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CHHS | Collab. Health & Human Services |
CHIN | Chinese |
CST | Info Tech & Communications Design |
ED | Education |
ENVS | Environmental Sci, Technology & Policy |
ESSP | Earth Systems Science & Policy |
FREN | French |
FYS | First Year Seminar |
GEOL | Geology |
GERM | German |
GPP | Government, Politics & Policy |
GS | Global Studies |
HCOM | Human Communication |
HDEV | Human Development |
HEBR | Hebrew |
HSP | Health & Social Policy |
ISSM | Integrated Stud. Special Major |
IST | Master, Instruction Sci & Tech |
ITAL | Italian |
JAPN | Japanese |
KIN | Kinesiology |
KOR | Korean |
LING | Linguistics |
LL | Liberal Learning |
LS | Liberal Studies |
MAE | Master of Arts in Education |
MAND | Mandarin |
MATH | Mathematics |
MLML | Moss Landing Marine Lab |
MPA | Music & Performing Arts |
MPP | Masters in Public Policy |
PH | Public Health |
PHYS | Physics |
PSY | Psychology |
SBS | Social and Behavioral Sciences |
SL | Service Learning |
SOC | Sociology |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPED | Special Education |
STAT | Statistics |
SW | Social Work |
TAG | Tagalog |
TAT | Teledramatic Arts & Technology |
VIET | Vietnamese |
VPA | Visual & Public Art |
WLC | World Languages & Cultures |
WRT | Writing Program |