HSP 650: Social Policy Analysis

Develops theoretical perspectives on social policy, social justice, and social change, and a framework for analyzing and developing social policies. Introduces students to a selection of social problems and the social programs and policies designed to address them, and provides students with an opportunity to explore a social policy area of their choosing. (Offered fall semester.) (Restricted to MPP Majors)

Units: 3

HSP 651: Health Policy Analysis&Advocac

Explores the complexity of health policy analysis and advocacy in the context of rapidly changing roles and expectations for healthcare institutions and providers; the interface between public health and the private medical sector; and a comparative analysis of publicly and privately financed U.S. and non-U.S. healthcare systems. Critical and historical analyses of U.S. and non-U.S. health policy form the basis of a health policy analysis assignment. (Offered spring semester.)

Units: 3