If you transferred into CSUMB as an AA-T-certified student in History, you must complete the following courses for your bachelor's degree in Human Communication at CSUMB. If you are unsure about your transfer status, please talk to an advisor.
Major Core Requirements (6 units)
HCOM 300: Major ProSeminar
HCOM 475: Senior Capstone
Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs) (34 units)
MLO1: HCOM 312: GWAR-Cooperative Argumentation
MLO 2: HCOM 350S: Oral Hist/Comm Mem SL
MLO 3: Choose one of the following courses. HCOM 306: Gender & Communication; HCOM 309: Intercultural Communication; HCOM 310: Free Speech & Resp
MLO 4: Choose one of the following courses. HCOM 301: Ways Of Knowing; HCOM 406: Philosophy Acrdng to Movies
MLO 5: Choose one of the following courses. HCOM 338: Multicultural Adolescent Lit; HCOM 342: Feminist Theories & Methods; HCOM 343: Race & Gender Justice; HCOM 344: Chicana/Latina Experiences; HCOM 345: Chicano Life & Culture; HCOM 348: Race, Colonialism & Film
MLO 6: Choose one of the following courses. HCOM 322: Asian American Literature; HCOM 323: American Drama; HCOM 324: African American Narratives; HCOM 325: 20th Cent Narr Amer Immgr; HCOM 326: Jewish Holocaust Literature; HCOM 327: Survey American Literature; HCOM 335: Amer Ethnic Lit & Culture; HCOM 336: Poetry & Gender; HCOM 337: Women's Literature
MLO 7: SBS 350: Domination & Resistance: US (Fulfills GE Area D 2)
MLO8 : Choose one of the following courses. HCOM 330: Intro Creative Writing or one of these courses, only with prior consent of the instructor, HCOM 332: Poetry Writing Workshop, HCOM 333: Women's Writing Workshop, HCOM 334: Fiction/Creative NonFiction Wr or HCOM 432: Soc Action Wrtg
Concentration Courses (12 units)
Choose three approved concentration courses (One of which must be designated as Research/Theory Intensive)
University Requirements (8 units)
Two approved GE Area C 3 courses
Total Units to Degree After Transfer: 60