Students have assigned faculty advisors in the program.
Students develop an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) with the help of the MPP 500: MPP Masters Seminar Master's Seminar instructor. The ILP is a personalized schedule of courses that one will complete to meet the MPP degree requirements.
Students also work closely with the MPP 600 Applied Policy Research Project instructor and an agency-based mentor in the MPP 696 Advanced Policy Internship. The instructor and mentor will advise the student throughout the Applied Policy Research Project.
PLEASE NOTE: The cohort that entered the MPP Program in Fall 2010 was the last cohort to be admitted. The program has entered a "teach-out" mode to allow those students who are currently enrolled to finish the program. Instruction for the program will end at the end of the Spring 2013 semester, and there will be no further admissions to this program as of Fall 2011.