CSUMB requires you to take an upper-division service learning course in your major, applying discipline-specific skills and knowledge to community issues and examining issues of service and social responsibility that relate to your career field. You satisfy the upper-division service learning requirement by passing a course in the major that carries an S suffix. You will find specifics regarding this requirement in each major's description in the Majors section of this catalog. You can also read descriptions of the upper-division courses that include a service learning component by looking for the S suffix (e.g., HCOM 432S) in the Course Descriptions section of this catalog.
BIO 378S: Health Sciences Serv Learn (5 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
BIO 379S: Biology Education Serv Learn (5 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
BUS 202S: Micro Economics (Comm Partic) (5 units)
Approved from Fall 2006
BUS 303S: Partic in Comm Econ Devel (6 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
BUS 371S: Ethics & Social Justice (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
CHHS 396S: Jr Field Pract Seminar A: SL (3 units)
Approved from Fall 2006
CHHS 398S: Jr Field Pract Seminar B: SL (3 units)
Approved from Fall 2006
CST 361S: Technology Tutors (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
CST 362S: Technology & Communities SL (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
CST 412S: Network Admin in Community (6 units)
Approved from Fall 2010
ENVS 349S: Natural History Interpretation (4 to 5 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
ENVS 369S: Com-Based Watershed Restor SL (5 units)
Approved from Spring 2000
ENVS 384S: Social andEcologicalJustice SL (5 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
ENVS 397S: Indep Study: Earth Systems SL (1 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
ENVS 497S: Capstone Indep Study:ES/SL (2 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
ENVS 590S: Adv Topics:Marine Pollutn (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
GS 200S: Politics In Everyday Life (1 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
GS 365S: SL: Global Affairs (1 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
GS 380S: Int'l Organizations & SL (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2003
HCOM 211S: Reading Writing Crit Thkg SL (6 units)
Approved from Spring 2004
HCOM 307S: Soc Impct Of Mass Media SL (6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
HCOM 317S: GWAR-Advanced Composition SL (6 units)
Approved from Spring 2000
HCOM 330S: Intro to Creative Writing SL (6 units)
Approved from Spring 2006
HCOM 339S: Creative Writing for Teachers (6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
HCOM 340S: Topics in Social Movements SL (6 units)
Approved from Spring 2001
HCOM 350S: Oral Hist/Comm Mem SL (6 units)
Approved from Spring 2000
HCOM 395S: Special Topic:Service Learning (4 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
HCOM 396S: Field Studies Service Learning (1 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 2004
HCOM 397S: Independnt Study/Serv Lrn (1 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
HCOM 403S: Ethics in the Professions:SL (6 units)
Approved from Spring 2005
HCOM 432S: Social Action Writing (6 units)
Approved from Spring 2000
HCOM 487S: Community Media Project SL (6 units)
Approved from Fall 2005
HDEV 380S: Service Learning Human Dev (2 units)
Approved from Fall 2010
ISSM 398S: Integrated Studies SL (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
JAPN 301S: Advanced Japanese SL (2 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
KIN 271S: Fdn of Well: Comm Participate (5 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
KIN 471S: Service Learning: KIN Majors (3 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
LING 392S: Nat Lang/Lang Acquis SL (1 units)
Approved from Fall 2006
LS 298S: Intro to Teaching & Learning S (3 units)
Approved from Fall 2001
LS 394S: Multi Lit Chld & Yng Adults (3 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
LS 397S: Ind Study in Service Learning (1 to 8 units)
Approved from Fall 2001
LS 398S: Soc Found of Multicult Ed S (3 units)
Approved from Fall 2001
MATH 361S: Mathematics Tutors (5 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
MATH 362S: Mathematics Service Learning (2 units)
Approved from Fall 2002
MPA 317S: Community Involvement SL (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2001
MPA 397S: Independent Study Srv Lrn (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2005
MPA 399S: Service Learning (2 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
PSY 320S: Psychopathology Servc Lrning (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2007
SBS 220S: Hispanic Calif-1542 to 1848 (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2004
SBS 224S: Archaeology/Map to Museum (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
SBS 260S: Mission Archaeology (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
SBS 284S: Cult/Contexts/Bilingual/Educat (2 to 4 units)
Approved from Spring 2007
SBS 320S: Hispanic Calif - 1542 to 1848 (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2004
SBS 324S: Archaeology/Map to Museum (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
SBS 360S: Mission Archaeology (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
SBS 384S: Cult/Contexts/Bilingual/Educat (2 to 4 units)
Approved from Spring 2004
SBS 397S: Independent Study (1 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
SBS 400S: Senior Capstone I/SL (1 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
SBS 402S: Senior Capstone Seminar II/SL (1 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 2003
SL 200S: Intro to Service (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SL 201S: Intro to Service (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2002
SL 295S: SL Leadership Training (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SL 300S: SL Design & Pedagogy (1 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 2000
SL 390S: SL: (2 units)
Approved from Fall 2000
SL 394S: Service & Social Justice SL (2 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 2000
SL 395S: Effective Tutor (2 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SL 397S: SL Pedagogy & Partner Support (1 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SL 491S: SL:Adv Topics SL Civic Engage (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2003
SL 492S: SL:Community Research SL (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2003
SL 497S: SL: Independent Study (1 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SOC 397S: SL/Independent Study (1 to 6 units)
Approved from Spring 2006
SPAN 200S: Beg Spanish Conversation (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SPAN 203SL: Beg Spanish Conv/Serv Lrn (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1997
SPAN 301S: Comp/Oral Practice SL (2 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SPAN 397S: Service Learning (1 to 4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
SPED 560S: InclusionPract w/Svc Learning (1 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
TAT 399S: TAT in the Community (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
VPA 306S: Digital Public Art (4 units)
Approved from Fall 1996
VPA 317S: Community Research (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2000
VPA 320S: Museum Studies (4 units)
Approved from Fall 2001
VPA 321S: Museum Collection Practices (4 units)
Approved from Spring 2002
VPA 497S: Independent Study Srv Lrn (4 to 6 units)
Approved from Fall 1999
WLC 397SL: Independent Study SL (4 units)
Approved from Spring 1999