Credits Required
Total credits in the minor: 16
Credits at CSUMB: Please see Journalism Minor advisor, Qun Wang, or the Division of Humanities and Communication Director.
Outcomes, Courses, and Assessment
You must achieve all of the Learning Outcomes designated below by successfully completing courses or alternative assessment options as described in the section that follows.
LO 1 Basic Competency in Journalistic Writing ~ Students demonstrate basic skill in the craft of nonfiction writing.
LO 2 Basic Competency in Journalistic Research ~ Students demonstrate basic skills in interviewing, information gathering, and analyzing sources of information.
LO 3 Application of Skills to the Production and Presentation of Journalistic Projects ~ Students produce a portfolio of journalistic work that may include news stories, Web or print magazine pieces, documentary films, or other journalistic works.
LO 4 Understanding of Basic Concepts in Media Theory and Media Literacy ~ Students demonstrate basic skills in media analysis, including being able to critique a mass media product such as a newspaper, newscast, or news website.
Courses and Assessment
Complete one of the following: HCOM 389: Otter Realm Workshop; HCOM 387: Media Production Lab; HCOM 486: Mass Media Internship; HCOM 487: Mass Media Internship; a student internship at a media outlet such as a newspaper, radio or television station, website publisher, or other media organization
Complete two of the following: HCOM 307: Social Impact of Mass Media; HCOM 307S: Soc Impct Of Mass Media SL; HCOM 310: Free Speech & Resp; HCOM 316: Media Ethics; HCOM 348: Race, Colonialism, and Film; HCOM 352: History According To Movies; HCOM 384: Newswriting; HCOM 385: Reporting; HCOM 387: Media Production Lab; HCOM 388: Investigative Reporting; HCOM 389: Otter Realm Workshop (Note: You can take this twice and receive eight units of credit toward the minor.); HCOM 390: Magazine Writing; HCOM 406: Philosophy According to Movies; HCOM 487S: Community Media Project SL
Complete one upper-division course from another department related to journalism and media analysis. (This could include CST courses in multimedia or publication design; GS courses in global media; TAT courses in storytelling, film, audio, video, or new media production; MPA courses in sound production; or other courses. You must present a rationale that the course is in some way related to their interest in journalism and media analysis.)