Credits Required

Total credits in the minor: 16

Credits at CSUMB: 16


JAPN 202: Intermediate Japanese II or equivalent, upper-division status, and approval from the School of World Languages and Cultures

Outcomes, Courses, and Assessment

You must achieve both of the Learning Outcomes designated below by successfully completing courses or alternative assessment options as described in the section that follows.

LO 1 Language Proficiency ~ students demonstrate an Intermediate-Mid proficiency level in the four major skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) according to American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines

  • Complete one or more of the following courses:

    JAPN 300: Japanese for the Professions; JAPN 301: Advanced Japn I; JAPN 302: Adv Japn II: History of Japan; JAPN 303: Business Japanese; JAPN 304: Technical Japanese

LO 2 Cultural Knowledge ~ students can provide a comparative description and basic analysis of the people, history, and culture of Japan ~ engage in learning about the evolution of cultural customs and practices (e.g. Sankin-Kotai and Ringi Seido) over two millennia from the traditional to the modern ~ attain appropriate knowledge base and other skills necessary for crosscultural communications acquired by exploring non-western ways of thinking and perspectives as revealed in such topics as: the exercise of power; the creation and appreciation of art, literature, and performance; architecture; and the design of clothing and fashion


In addition to the required JAPN 305: Intro Japnese Clture/Civ course, you must complete one or two language courses and one or two culture courses to complete the 16-credit requirement. In order to promote interdisciplinarity within the minor, you may take one related course from another CSUMB academic program.

Related Courses

HCOM 322: Asian American Literature