Credits Required

Total credits in the minor: 16

Credits at CSUMB: Please see an HCOM advisor.



Outcomes, Courses, and Assessment

To complete the minor, you must complete LO 4 and three other LOs of your choice from those listed below by successfully completing the listed courses or alternative assessment options.

LO 1 Critical Communication Skills ~ ability to communicate critically and empathically in both oral and written contexts, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking

  • Complete one of the following:

    HCOM 312: GWAR-Cooperative Argumentation; HCOM 317S: GWAR-Advanced Composition SL; HCOM 318: GWARAdvCompTheory/PracK-8Teach

LO 2 Media, Narrative, and Ethnographic Skills ~ ability to responsibly gather, interpret critically, narrate, and disseminate the voices and stories of people, communities, or events by integrating ethnographic or journalistic field research methods, cultural or media analysis, narrative writing, and media production, including new digital media

LO 3 Relational Communication Skills ~ ability to interact ethically and effectively in interpersonal and group communication and decision making processes

LO 4 Philosophical Analysis ~ ability to understand why and how beliefs, values, assumptions, and communication practices interact to shape ways of being and knowing

LO 5 Critical Cultural Analysis ~ ability to investigate and explain relationships among cultural ideologies and sociohistorical experiences, interests, identities, and actions of specific cultural groups

LO 6 Comparative Literary Analysis ~ ability to appreciate and analyze literature in a social, historical, and cultural context ~ ability to compare and contrast literatures of at least three different cultural traditions, including non-Eurocentric traditions

LO 7 Historical Analysis ~ ability to actively engage our complex multicultural pasts by integrating historical understanding with historical thinking skills

  • Complete one of the following:

    HCOM 346: African American Life/History; HCOM 351: Modern World History; HCOM 352: History According To Movies; HCOM 353: California At Crossroads; HCOM 354: Whose America?; HCOM 356: Multicultural History; HCOM 359: Sexuality,Law & Cult Histories; HCOM 365: Chicana/o Latina/o History; HCOM 445: Slavery & Race in the Americas

LO 8 Creative Writing and Social Action ~ ability to acquire basic competency in creative writing ~ ability to apply this skill to the production and presentation of an art project that actively responds to a public issue~ ability to sustain the creative process throughout a given project, taking it to completion

  • Complete one of the following:

    HCOM 330: Intro Creative Writing; HCOM 330S: Intro to Creative Writing SL; HCOM 331: Visual Art & Creative Writing; HCOM 339S: Creative Writing for Teachers; HCOM 433: Life Stories & Life Writing

  • Or complete one of the following courses after receiving consent from the instructor:

    HCOM 332: Poetry Writing Workshop; HCOM 333: Women's Writing Workshop; HCOM 334: Fiction/Creative NonFiction Wr; HCOM 432: Soc Action Wrtg; HCOM 432S: Social Action Writing