Semester Credits Required
Total credits in the minor: 15-20
Credits at CSUMB: at least 8 upper-division
Complete MATH ULR before beginning the Earth Systems Science & Policy Minor
Outcomes, Courses and Assessment
You must complete the lower-division Science Foundations outcome by earning a C or better in two of the listed courses, or by taking equivalent courses at a community college. In addition, you must complete a minimum of three courses from at least two of the remaining five outcomes. (NOTE: /L following a course number denotes that you must complete both a three-credit course and an associated one-credit lab). Many of the upper-division courses have prerequisites; consult the course descriptions on the CSUMB.EDU/schedule or CSUMB.EDU/catalog websites, or contact the Science and Environmental Policy office for more information.
LO 1 Science Foundations
- Choose a minimum of 6 to 8 credits from the following courses:
ENVS 202: Human Interactn W/Environ Human Interactn W/Environ
BIO 204: Introduction to Life Sciences Introduction to Life Sciences
ENVS 282: Mtry Bay:Case Sty Env Sci &Pol Mtry Bay:Case Sty Env Sci &Pol
ENVS 201: Intro to Environmental Science The Nature of Science
PHYS 121/L: Integrated Physical Science Integrated Physical Science
CHEM 109: Chemistry & the Environment Chemistry & the Environment
GEOL 210: Introduction to Earth Science Introduction to Earth Science
You may use SCI ULR courses for your foundations courses, but many upper division courses have additional prerequisites.
- Courses designed for Environmental Science, Technology & Policy majors; may be prerequisites for courses in the 'area of competency' MLOs:
CHEM 110/L: Chemistry I Chemistry I
PHYS 150: Physics for Biologists Survey of Physics
PHYS 220: Physics I Physics I
BIO 240/L: Ecology,Evol, Biodiversity Biology I:Ecology,Evol, Biodiv
BIO 241/L: Cellular and Molecular Biology Cellular and Molecular Biology
GEOL 260: Geology/Hydrology Geology/Hydrology
ENVS 271: The Oceans The Oceans
ENVS 272: The Atmosphere The Atmosphere
ENVS 283: Politics & the Environment Politics & the Environment
ENVS 284: Envi Econ & Management Envi Econ & Management
Area of Minor Competency
After completing the Science Foundations outcome, choose a minimum of three courses from at least two of the five outcomes listed below:
Outcome 2 - Applied Science
- Courses for which prerequisites can be fulfilled by completion of specific SCI ULR courses:
BIO 305/L: Inquiry-Bsd Life Sci f/ Teach Inquiry-Bsd Life Sci f/ Teach
BIO 342: California Ecosystems California Ecosystems
BIO 345/L: Marine Biology Marine Biology
BIO 347: Working with Marine Mammals Working with Marine Mammals (Prerequisite: BIO 240: Ecology,Evol, Biodiversity or 204)
BIO 348: Tech & Theory of Animal Train Tech & Theor. of Animal Train (Prerequisite: BIO 240: Ecology,Evol, Biodiversity or 204)
GEOL 360: Geomorphic Systems Geomorphic Systems (Prerequisite: GEOL 260: Geology/Hydrology or 304) - Courses with additional prerequisites (consult CSUMB course catalog for details):
BIO 310/L: Biochemistry Biochemical Systems
BIO 340: Ecology Ecological Systems
BIO 341: Evolution Bio & Pop Genetics Evolution Bio & Pop Genetics
ENVS 442: Vernal Pools of Ft Ord Vernal Pools of Ft Ord
GEOL 460: River Hydrology, Assmt&Monitor River Hydrology, Assmt&Monitor
Outcome 3 - Applied Policy
- Courses with Part 1 of ENGCOM ULR as a prerequisite:
ENVS 384S: Social andEcologicalJustice SL Envir Justice & Envir Poli SL
ENVS 386: Sci, Enviro & Polit Process Sci, Enviro & Polit Process
ENVS 387: Water Resource Assess/Law/Poli Water Resource Assess/Law/Poli
Outcome 4 - Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Display
- Course with Tech/Info ULR as a prerequisite:
ENVS 332: Intro to GIS/GPS Intro to GIS/GPS - Courses with additional prerequisites (consult CSUMB course catalog for details):
PHYS 330/L: Electronics for Ecol Research Elec Proj. for Envir. Measure
ENVS 350: Quantitative Field Methds Quantitative Field Methds
ENVS 355: Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring
ENVS 433: Seafloor Mapping App Mar Sci Tech
ENVS 436: Rmt Sns/Image Process Rmt Sns/Image Process
ENVS 440: Environmental Modeling Environmental Modeling
Outcome 5 - Systems Approach to Applied Problem Solving
- Courses that can be taken after SCI ULR is completed:
ENVS 303/L: Calif Transect Orientation California Transect Lab (earth science and biology prerequisites)
ENVS 309: Sci & Policy of Global Change Sci & Policy of Global Change
ENVS 387: Water Resource Assess/Law/Poli Water Resource Assess/Law/Poli - Courses with additional prerequisites (consult CSUMB course catalog for details):
ENVS 301: Ecosys Srvs: Sci&Econ Anl Ecosys Srvs: Sci&Econ Anl
Outcome 6 - Earth Systems Service Learning
- These courses should be taken after the SCI, Community Participation, and ENGCOM ULRs have been completed:
ENVS 349S: Natural History Interpretation Interp MB Natrl Hist F/Commun
ENVS 369S: Com-Based Watershed Restor SL Com-Based Watershed Restor SL
ENVS 384S: Social andEcologicalJustice SL Envir Justice & Envir Poli SL
ENVS 386: Sci, Enviro & Polit Process Sci, Enviro & Polit Process