These pathways serve as tools, not prescribed programs of study. Before enrolling, you can use them to get a feel for what you can do in this program. After enrolling, you and your advisors can use them as a starting point for building your personalized outcomes-based ILP.

This pathway, intended as a reference, shows a productive route to graduation in four years.  Your actual pathway may not look exactly like the model due to several factors:

  • Any required remedial courses, such as MATH 098 and WRT 095
  • Actual availability of courses during a given semester
  • Personal choices you make in your Individual Learning Plan, in consultation with your advisors

Fall Freshman

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
FYS 100: First Year Seminar3First Year Seminar 
Any Approved Course4MathcomB4
Any Approved Course3Vibrancy TheoryE
Elective Course4

Spring Freshman

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
Any Approved Course4Engcom AA2
Any Approved Course4
  • D6, US1
  • D8, US2, US3
Any Approved Course4Language 2 
Any Approved Course4Literature and Popular CultureC2

Fall Sophomore

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
HCOM 284: Newswriting4
  • A1
  • A3
Any Approved Course4Science ContentB1, B2
Any Approved Course4Language 3 
Any Approved Course4Community Participation 

Spring Sophomore

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
Any Approved Course4
  • B3
  • B3
Any Approved Course4Creative/Artistic ExpressionC1
Any Approved Course4Language 4 
Any Approved Course1Vibrancy ActivityE

Fall Junior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
HCOM 300: Major ProSeminar2Major Core
HCOM 300L: Major ProSeminar Lab2Tech/Info 
HCOM 312: GWAR-Cooperative Argumentation4
HCOM 301: Ways Of Knowing4MLO 4 Philosophical analysis
Complete one of the following: HCOM 307; HCOM 316; HCOM 328; HCOM 329; HCOM 350; HCOM 384; HCOM 385; HCOM 387; HCOM 390; HCOM 446; only with prior consent of instructor, HCOM 3894MLO 2 Media, narrative and ethnographic skills

Spring Junior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
Complete one of the following: HCOM 304; HCOM 306; HCOM 309; HCOM 310; HCOM 403; HCOM 412 4MLO 3 Relational communication skills
Complete the following Journalism and Media Studies Concentration Courses: HCOM 307S; HCOM 487S.6
Complete one of the following: HCOM 338; HCOM 342; HCOM 344; HCOM 345; HCOM 348; HCOM 422; HCOM 426; HCOM 440; HCOM 443; HCOM 455; HCOM 5554MLO 5 Critical cultural analysis
Complete one of the following: HCOM 322; HCOM 327; HCOM 3354

Fall Senior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
Complete one of the following: HCOM 346; HCOM 351; HCOM 352; HCOM 353; HCOM 354; HCOM 356; HCOM 359; HCOM 365; HCOM 445; HCOM 4514MLO 7 Historical analysis
Complete one of the following: HCOM 330; HCOM 331; only with the prior consent of the instructor, HCOM 332; HCOM 333; HCOM 334; HCOM 432; HCOM 4334MLO 8 Creative writing and social action
Complete one of the following Journalism and Media Studies Concentration Courses: HCOM 307; HCOM 310; HCOM 316; HCOM 334; HCOM 352; HCOM 384; HCOM 385; HCOM 387; HCOM 388; HCOM 389; only with the prior consent of instructor, HCOM 390; HCOM 406; HCOM 486.4Concentration
HCOM 474: Research Methods2Major Core

Spring Senior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
Complete one of the following Journalism and Media Studies Concentratin Courses: HCOM 307; HCOM 310; HCOM 316; HCOM 334; HCOM 352; HCOM 384; HCOM 385; HCOM 387; HCOM 388; HCOM 389; only with the prior consent of instructor, HCOM 390; HCOM 406; HCOM 486.4Concentration
HCOM 475: Senior Capstone4Major Core
Elective course4
Elective Course1

Total: 120 units
