Achieve and demonstrate Intermediate-High or Advanced proficiency in the four major skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) of the world language you have chosen to emphasize.


To attain this level of proficiency, you should expect to enroll in six-eight upper-division classes that are taught in your target language including a minimum of two upper-division language courses.

You will be assessed for your level of proficiency in the Senior Capstone seminar.

Required Courses

  • JAPN 301: Advanced Japn I (4 to 6 units)
  • JAPN 302: Adv Japn II: History of Japan (4 to 6 units)
  • JAPN 303: Business Japanese (4 units)
  • JAPN 304: Technical Japanese (4 units)
  • JAPN 312: Japanese for the Professions (4 units)
  • JAPN 380: Japan: Land and People (4 units)
  • JAPN 401: Advanced Japanese III (4 units)
  • JAPN 402: Advanced Japanese IV (4 units)