Course-Based Assessment
In each course satisfying the Vibrancy ULR, faculty assess the following evidence to determine if a student is achieving all the outcomes for the ULR.
- Attendance and level of class participation
- Papers
- Journals
- Exams
- Habit analysis
- Self inventories
- Wellness plans
- Selected projects
- Demonstrations
- Individual or group learning presentations
- Self-reflection papers
The following essential criteria guide the faculty member assessing the evidence. These criteria have standards and are explained in greater detail in the syllabus of each course.
- Accuracy of all covered information
- Complexity/depth of understanding
- Self reflection and implementation
- Relational accountability
Alternative Assessments
You can also meet the requirements for this ULR (both the Theory portion and the Activity portion) through individual assessment when you have comparable prior learning and can give evidence that you have already accomplished the outcomes required. To complete alternative assessment, you must first have a qualifying interview with the assessment faculty member. If approval is granted, then consent is given for registration with one credit and a contract indicating what is to be produced with deadlines and timeframes is agreed upon. You then have a semester to produce and submit a portfolio of evidence demonstrating achievement of the learning outcomes. This portfolio will be reviewed by the assessment faculty member or a faculty committee.
Alternative assessment assumes that you have already attained mastery of all the outcomes at a college level of proficiency, and can produce a portfolio of agreed upon evidence over the semester you are registered in ASMT 432: Vibrancy. Assessment is NOT an independent study. To determine if you qualify for alternative assessment, you should email the Vibrancy learning community chair for next steps.