Course-Based Assessment
In each course satisfying the Culture and Equity ULR/GLO (Graduation Learning Outcome), faculty assess evidence that you produce in class to determine if you have satisfied the learning outcomes. Evidence may include written assignments, oral presentations, community-based projects, exams, etc. For a description of the specific types of evidence assessed for the Culture and Equity learning outcomes in a selected field of study, please review the Culture and Equity approved courses and contact the course instructor for more information.
Alternative Assessments
You can also meet the requirements for this ULR through assessment of prior learning. Alternative assessment assumes that you have already attained mastery of the outcomes through prior study. To complete the alternative assessment, you must enroll in ASMT 422: Culture And Equity and submit a portfolio demonstrating achievement of the Culture and Equity learning outcomes. ASMT 422: Culture And Equity is not an independent study. Please see the Culture and Equity Assessment Guidelines which provide instructions for developing the portfolio. If after reviewing the Guidelines, you would like to proceed, please email the Culture and Equity chair for an appointment.
You should email the Culture and Equity learning community chair to request authorization to enroll in ASMT 422: Culture And Equity, the alternative assessment course.
Culture and Equity Graduation Learning Outcome (GLO) Assessment Guidelines
In courses satisfying the Culture and Equity GLO, faculty members assess evidence to determine if students have satisfied the learning outcomes for this GLO. Students can also meet the requirements through assessment of prior learning. Alternative assessment assumes that you have already attained proficiency in the outcomes. Thus, it is not an independent study experience or a waiver, but rather an alternative assessment, where you will submit a portfolio of evidence of your prior achievement in the five Culture and Equity learning outcomes. (Please see below.)
If you have academic experience, e.g., coursework, related to the Culture & Equity GLO for which you would like to receive credit (without taking an approved course at CSUMB), you will need to demonstrate that you have already attained a level of competence expected at the university level. If you decide to pursue the assessment option, you will need to follow these steps for assessment of your prior learning:
1. Review the Culture & Equity Graduation Learning Outcomes (below and on the CSUMB website) to familiarize yourself with the learning outcomes expected from this GLO area of study.
2. Meet with the Culture & Equity Committee Chair to discuss your qualification for assessment of prior learning and develop a contract indicating what is to be submitted by an agreed upon deadline.
3. Develop a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your competence for each of the five Culture & Equity Graduation Learning Outcomes. All portfolios must include evidence from prior academic learning experience(s) that demonstrate an acceptable level of competence for the five Culture & Equity learning outcomes. This evidence will be assessed in lieu of evidence developed in a CSUMB Culture & Equity approved course. Please include examples in which you were expected to apply your theoretical understanding in the five Culture & Equity learning outcome areas. Your portfolio will address all five Culture & Equity learning outcomes and include the following:
- A cover letter explaining how the attached documentation demonstrates your prior knowledge for the Culture & Equity learning outcomes.
- An official copy of your transcript(s) with your final grade(s) for the course(s) you propose to use as evidence of prior knowledge.
- A copy of the syllabus and course description(s) indicating the course level and content covered.
- Examples of assignments (aligned with the Culture & Equity learning outcomes) that you completed and passed with a “C” or better grade (and an explanation of how they meet the outcomes).
- Any other evidence that you feel contributes to and demonstrates your competence in the Culture & Equity learning outcomes. Note: While professional experiences are a valid way of expressing and deepening understanding of a subject area, a systematic study is an important element of the university experience. Although you may include such experience(s) to supplement your evidence – in support of your application of theories studied and by elaborating on how those experiences deepened your understanding through experiential application – they do not count in lieu of an academic experience. Examples may include:
- ...Training and work in developing countries for the Peace Corps or other government agency.
- ...Training and work in developing countries for other non-profit or non-government organizations.
- ...Training and work in developing countries for appropriate related private, for profit companies.
4. Schedule a final meeting with the Culture & Equity Committee Chair and submit your portfolio and all evidence no later than the first day of assessment week in the semester within which you are enrolled in the Culture & Equity Assessment course. (The Culture & Equity Committee Chair will discuss with you the due date.)
5. Documentation of this evidence will be reviewed by the Culture & Equity Chair and/or other Committee members who may have expertise in the specific disciplinary area your work represents, for equivalency to the Culture & Equity Learning Outcomes. Depending upon the comparability of your evidence of prior coursework, (and where applicable training or professional work experience) and the strength of the evidence supporting your request, you may be able to obtain credit for your prior experience. (Note: Assessments do not provide a “waiver” for the C&E outcomes, but rather provide “credit” for appropriate academic work already completed.)