Title V of the California Code of Regulations outlines General Education (GE) Breadth Requirements common to all California State University campuses. CSUMB has translated these into 10 of the 13 University Learning Requirements that must be satisfied by all CSUMB students:
- Community Participation ULR
- Creative and Artistic Expression ULR
- Democratic Participation ULR
- English Communication ULR
- Ethics ULR
- Literature and Popular Culture ULR
- Mathematics Communication ULR
- Science ULR
- U.S. Histories ULR
- Vibrancy ULR
In order to fulfill GE requirements, students must complete a minimum of 9 upper division GE semester units taken no sooner than the term in which the student achieves upper division status (60+ units). 300 and 400 level GLO courses, taken in the junior or senior year, may count toward this requirement.
The ULR/GE Alignment Table shows the direct relationship between GEs and ULRs. The ULRs section of the catalog details the purpose, outcomes, approved courses, and assessment options for all of the 13 ULRs.