Credits Required
Total credits in the minor: 16
Credits at CSUMB: 16
Approval from the School of World Languages and Cultures
Outcomes, Courses, and Assessment
You must achieve both of the Learning Outcomes designated below by successfully completing courses or alternative assessment options as described in the section that follows.
LO 1 Cultural Knowledge ~ students can provide a comparative description and basic analysis of the people, history, and culture of Japan ~ engage in learning about the evolution of cultural customs and practices over two millennia from the traditional into the modern ~ attain an appropriate knowledge base and other skills necessary for crosscultural communications acquired by exploring non-western ways of thinking and perspectives as revealed in such topics as social issues, popular culture, Japanese Mind, Anime, literature, and related topics.
LO 2 Historical Knowledge ~ students can identify and describe significant historical periods and patterns of change, from the development of Japan's ancient cultures and civilization to the emergence of the Japanese nation-state, and related social, economic, and political revolutions, culminating with the rise of modern Japan ~ employ processes of critical historical inquiry to reconstruct and reinterpret the experience of Japanese-American immigrants from their first arrival in the mid-19th century to the present
In addition to the required JAPN 205: Intro Japnese Clture/Civ/305, you can combine any of the following courses to complete the 16-credit requirement: JAPN 306: The Japanese Mind; JAPN 307: Japan-American Exper; JAPN 308: Japanese Pop-Culture; JAPN 309: Japanese Lit in Translation; JAPN 310: Japanese Cinema; JAPN 311: Social Issues In Japan; JAPN 395: Special Topics; JAPN 405: Econ History Of Japan; JAPN 408: Business In Japan; HCOM 322: Asian American Literature