This pathway, intended as a reference, models graduation after earning 60 credits at CSUMB. It is unlikely that your actual pathway will look exactly like the model due to several factors:

  • The number of credits you transfer into CSUMB with, and how those credits articulate with CSUMB requirements
  • Actual availability of courses during a given semester
  • Personal choices you make in your Individual Learning Plan – in consultation with your major advisors – including the decision to pursue more than the minimal learning requirements

Fall Junior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
WLC 300: WLC Major ProSeminar2Major Core
SPAN 301: Comp/Oral Practice4MLO 1: Language Proficiency
SPAN 301S: Comp/Oral Practice SL2
SPAN 304: Intro To Hispanic Literat4MLO 3: Literary and Cultural Knowledge
SPAN 313: Intro to Spanish Linguistics4MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge

Spring Junior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
SPAN 303: Adv Spanish Grammar4MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge
SPAN 305: Spanish for The Professions4MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge
SPAN 306: Cultur/Civ Span Ltn Amer4MLO 3: Literary and Cultural Knowledge
Any Approved Course4Tech/Info 

Fall Senior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
SPAN 302: Hist/Phonetic Struct Span Lang4MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge
LING 392: Nat Lang/Lang Acquis4MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge
SPAN 425: La Literatura Mexicana4MLO 3: Literary and Cultural Knowledge
SPAN 3994
Any Approved Course4GWAR 

Spring Senior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
WLC 400: WLC Major Capstone4Major Core
SPAN 315: Intro Translation Span/Eng4MLO 2: Language and Linguistic Knowledge
JAPN 305: Intro Japnese Clture/Civ4MLO 4: Secondary Cultural Knowledge

Total: 64 units

This is assuming a transfer student has entered CSUMB with 60 units