We help prepare you for careers as performing artists, recording technicians, and music teachers. Our goal is to provide you with music and performing arts skills and knowledge for use in a rapidly changing technological world. In the process, you will have the opportunity to learn about American forms of music and the value of aesthetic expression.

Our comprehensive program addresses the complex issues of performing artists and their relationship to other arts. You will learn fundamental skills of listening, recording, expressing, interpreting, and relating sound and movement to the social environment. Importantly, our MPA program develops essential workplace qualities of pluralism, teamwork, collaboration, flexibility, and respect for others' ideas and personal expressions.

Sponsored By

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts > Music and Performing Arts Department

Included Academic Fields

Music Composition ~ Music Performance ~ Music Production ~ Music Recording ~ Music Teaching (through Liberal Studies) ~ Music Technology

Concentrations Offered

Contemporary Music Studies

Music Recording/Technology

Online Components

We offer some courses online.

Associated Course Codes


Associated Minors


Associated Certificate Programs
