These pathways serve as tools, not prescribed programs of study. Before enrolling, you can use them to get a feel for what you can do in this program. After enrolling, you and your advisors can use them as a starting point for building your personalized outcomes-based ILP.

This pathway, intended as a reference, shows a productive route to graduation in four years.  Your actual pathway may not look exactly like the model due to several factors:

  • Any required remedial courses, such as MATH 098 and WRT 095
  • Actual availability of courses during a given semester
  • Personal choices you make in your Individual Learning Plan, in consultation with your advisors

Fall Freshman

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
FYS 100: First Year Seminar3First Year Seminar 
CST 101: Technology Tools4Tech/Info 
SBS 200: Intro/Social/Behavioral/Scienc4Engcom A 
Any Approved Course4

Spring Freshman

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
GS 200: Politics of Everyday Life4
  • D8, US2, US3
  • D6, US1
Any Approved Course4Engcom B 
Any Approved Course4
  • B1, B2
  • B3
  • B3
Any Approved Course

Fall Sophomore

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
SBS 224S, SBS 260S4
  • B3
Any Approved Course4MathcomB4
Any Approved Course4Community ParticipationD
Any Approved Course4

Spring Sophomore

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
Any Approved Course4Creative/Artistic Expression 
SBS 231: Crime & Violence Lab2Vibrancy ActivityE
PSY 210: Psychobiology/Eating/Disorders3Vibrancy TheoryE
Any Approved Course4

Fall Junior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
GS 300: Major ProSeminar4MLO 1 Planning for global learning and careers
GS 310: Genealogy of Globalization4
GS 330: World Views4
GS 362: Global Literatures4

Spring Junior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
GS 350: Gender/Violence in Global Life4MLO 4 Understanding of gender and violence in global life
GS 370: Global Political Economy4MLO 6 Understanding of global political economy
Any Approved Course9MLO 12 Electives

Fall Senior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
Any Approved Course4MLO 12 Electives
GS 385: Global Ecology or approved alternative4MLO 9 Understanding of earth, social systems and global life
GS 380S: Int'l Organizations & SL4
Any Approved Course4MLO 11 Electives

Spring Senior

CourseUnitsRequirement(s) MetGE Area
GS 390: Global Politics4MLO 8 Global politics
GS 400: Senior Capstone4MLO 10 Synthesis and evaluation of Global Studies learning
Any Approved Course4MLO 12 Electives
Additional Elective3

Total: 120 units