Judicial AffairsThe Office of Judicial Affairs administers the campus student disciplinary system, under authority delegated from the university president. Cases involving alleged violations of university policies, campus rules or the CSU Student Code of Conduct should be referred to this office, which maintains centralized, confidential, disciplinary records and has responsibility for ensuring fair and impartial administration of discipline. Where possible, informal procedures are used emphasizing personal growth and development of the student. Where formal procedures are used, the system is designed to provide prompt, fair, and impartial hearing and resolution of the matter. A student may consult an advisor or attorney at any stage in the process, but attorneys are not allowed to participate in the process. Students also have the right to file a grievance if they feel unjustly or improperly treated by the university. The Student Grievance Policy establishes the guidelines and standards for student grievances NOT involving an academic assessment or grade appeal, harassment or discrimination, financial appeal or challenges to student records.