Human Movement: Adapted Physical Activity Minor ~ Degree Requirements

Credits Required

Total credits in the minor: 12 (after completion of prerequisite courses)

Credits at CSUMB: Consult with Dr. Marcia Karwas, advisor


KIN 374 and KIN 374L

Outcomes, Courses, and Assessment

You must achieve each of the Learning Outcomes designated below by successfully completing the listed courses or alternative assessment options. (NOTE: /L following a course number denotes that both a 3-credit course and an associated 1-credit lab must be taken.)

LO 1 Knowledge and Perspectives in Adapted Physical Activity ~ Students understand the fundamental principles and issues common to the field of adapted physical education, including the neurosensory developmental approach, etiology of most commonly occurring disabilities, indicators and contraindicators related to body awareness and academic success

LO 2 Diversity and Multiculturalism ~ Students understand complex social issues for individuals with disabilities

LO 3 Collaboration ~ Students work in multicultural team settings to contribute to the development of multicultural classrooms and develop skills in working with diverse children

LO 4 Leadership and Social Responsibility ~ Students display a social conscience at the individual, community, school, or agency level regarding individuals with disabilities

  • Complete one of the following:
    KIN 377; KIN 466