If you transferred into CSUMB as an AA-T-certified student in Geography,
you must complete the following courses for your bachelor's degree
in Social and Behavioral Sciences with a concentration in Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) at CSUMB. If you are unsure about your
transfer status, please talk to an advisor.
Complete ALL of the following courses:
SBS 300:
SBS Major ProSeminar: Theory (3 units)
SBS 300L: Professional Skills for the Social Sciences (1 units)
SBS 328:
Social Science Theory Module (3 units)
SBS 361:
Introduction to GIS (3 units)
SBS 361L: Introduction to GIS Lab (1 units)
SBS 366:
Research Methods for SBS: Quantitative Emphasis (3 units)
SBS 366L: Research Methods for SBS: Quantitative Emphasis Lab (1 units)
SBS 371:
GIS Applications for the Social Sciences and Business (4 units)
SBS 400:
Senior Capstone Seminar I (3 units)
SBS 402:
Senior Capstone Seminar II (3 units) OR
SBS 404S: Service Learning Capstone (4 units)
SBS 405:
Assessment Lab/Grad/Srs (1 units)
Complete ONE of the following course / course combinations:
SBS 360S: Mission Archaeology (3 units) AND
SBS 360L: Archaeology Lab (1 units)
SBS 362:
Research Methods: Qualitative Emphasis (3 units) AND
SBS 362L: Research Methods: Qualitative Emphasis Lab (1 units)
SBS 363:
Historical Methods (4 units)
Complete THREE of the following courses:
GS 351:
Global Econ: Theory & Ethics (4 units)
SBS 356:
People, Places, & Environment: An Introduction to Geography (2-4
ENVS 332: Intro to GIS/GPS (4 units)
ENVS 436: Rmt Sns/Image Process (4 units)
BUS 437:
Applied Logistics for Vegetables and Fruit (4 units)
BUS 469:
Database Management (4 units) OR
CST 363:
Introduction to Database Systems (4 units)
In addition, students must meet the University's requirements in
Upper Division Service Learning (D4) and the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (A4).
Students may select additional elective coursework if necessary to
complete 60 units.