Ex Officio Trustees

The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
Governor of California
State Capitol
Sacramento 95814

The Honorable Gavin Newsom
Lieutenant Governor of California
State Capitol
Sacramento 95814

The Honorable John Perez
Speaker of the Assembly
State Capitol
Sacramento 95814

The Honorable Tom Torlakson
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
721 Capitol Mall
Sacramento 95814

Dr. Timothy P. White
Chancellor of the California State University
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach 90802-4210

Officers of the Trustees

The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr.

Bob Linscheid

Sally F. Roush (Interim)

Framroze Virjee

Appointed Trustees

Appointments are for a term of eight years, except student, alumni, and faculty trustees whose terms are for two years. Terms expire in the year in parentheses. Names are listed alphabetically.

Roberta Achtenberg (2015)

Talar Alexanian (2015)

Rebecca D. Eisen (2018)

Douglas Faigin (2017)

Debra S. Farar (2014)

Margaret Fortune (2016)

Lupe C. Garcia (2020)

Steven M. Glazer (2019)

William Hauck (2017)

Bob Linscheid (2013)

Lou Monville (2014)

Hugo N. Morales (2020)

J. Lawrence Norton (2019)

Steven Stepanek (2015)

Cipriano Vargas (2014)

Correspondence with Trustees should be sent to:

c/o Trustees Secretariat
The California State University
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California 90802-4210