Britt Rios-Ellis, Ph.D., Dean

Dr. Britt Rios-Ellis is the founding Dean of the College of Health Sciences and Human Services at California State University Monterey Bay. From 1994-2014, she served as professor at CSU Long Beach and the founding director of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR)/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training and the Centro Salud es Cultura. She has spearheaded over 55 million in student- and community-strengthening research and was Principal Investigator (PI) on two grants from the US Department of Education to transform CSULB into a Hispanic Serving Institution. Britt creates Latino-specific projects based in community and university that honor and integrate cultural capital and employ promotores (community health/student health workers) and student peer mentors.

Britt has received federal grants from the USDA, OAR, NIMHD, USDE, SAMHSA, OMH, OWH, NLM, in addition to foundation-supported projects. She has authored numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts on Latino-focused HIV/AIDS, maternal child health, obesity, and enhancement of educational opportunities. She was awarded Woman of the Year from the National Hispanic Business Women's Association and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the Sol Award from the Los Angeles County Office of AIDS Policy and Programs. She is a commissioned member of the CDC/HRSA's National Advisory Committee on HIV/STD Prevention and Treatment and served on the SAMHSA's Women's Health Advisory Commission, and the President's Advisory Commission for HIV/AIDS/CHAC Disclosure Work Group. Britt has appeared on Spanish and English-language television and radio for Telemundo, Univision, CNN, and ABC World News.

She holds Bachelors' degrees in Spanish and Political Science, a Master of Science in Health and Fitness Management, a certificate in Women's Studies, and a Doctorate in Community Health from the University of Oregon, and completed the Institute for Management and Leadership in Education at Harvard. In 2013, Britt was awarded CSULB's highest honor: Outstanding Professor.


Crescenda Zuccaro, Administrative/Budget Analyst

Lynda Oswald, Administrative Support Coordinator