Students may register prior to paying tuition and fees, however, tuition and fees must be paid prior to the Enrollment Cancellation date for each term (see Payment/Refund Deadlines). Tuition and fee payments may be made by cash, check or money order at the Campus Service Center. Payments by check will also be accepted by mail (please do not mail cash or money orders). The cancelled check serves as your receipt. Payments must be made in U.S. dollars only.
Mail payments to:
- Campus Service Center
100 Campus Center
Seaside, CA 93955
Online Payments
If you wish to pay by credit card, you must do so online through ePayment. There is a 2.75% convenience fee for the use of this service. Credit cards accepted on ePayment are VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. You may also make a payment using your regular checking account on ePayment. There is no additional fee when using your regular checking account.
What you should know before you make an ACH (online check) payment:
1) There is no fee when paying by ACH (check) online.
2) You will need to have a regular checking account. (Call your bank to confirm ACH use.)
Accounts that may not be accepted as an ACH payment:
- Money Market Accounts
- Educational Fund Accounts
- Credit Union Accounts
- Savings Accounts
- Loan Checks
4) Account number printed on your check card or ATM card are not acceptable as ACH.
What you should know before you make a credit card online payment:
VISA, Master Card, American Express, Discover are accepted
1) There is a 2.75% convenience fee when paying by credit card online.
2) You will need to have the card number, expiration date, billing address and the 3-4 digit card ID.