If you transferred into CSUMB from a California community college as an AS-T-certified student in Mathematics, you must complete the following courses for your bachelor's degree in Mathematics at CSUMB. If you are unsure about your transfer status, please contact a mathematics faculty advisor as soon as possible (see the advising page for more information). You will work with a faculty advisor to create your Individual Learning Plan (ILP). This ILP maps out how you will achieve each of the major course requirements listed below and earn your degree.
Course Requirements for AS-T-certified students
Any Approved Upper-Division American Institutions course (Area D2) ~ 4 credits
Any Upper-Division Service Learning course (Area D4) ~ 4 credits
Core Courses ~ 32 credits
MATH 300: Major Proseminar
MATH 320: Probability and Statistics
MATH 322: Foundations of Modern Math
MATH 330: Advanced Linear Algebra
MATH 350: Complex Analysis
MATH 400: Capstone Seminar
MATH 410: Modern Algebra I
MATH 420: Mathematical Analysis I
Concentration ~ 12 credits
Completion of one of the concentrations listed below
Mathematics Subject Matter Preparation Program
MATH 325: Number Theory
MATH 326: History of Mathematics
MATH 329: College Geometry
Pure Math Concentration
MATH 411: Modern Algebra II
MATH 421: Mathematical Analysis II
One of the following Electives
MATH 340: Ordinary Diff Equations
MATH 370: Logic & Computation
MATH 374: Mathematical Modeling
MATH 375: Num Analysis Math & Stat
MATH 376: Partial Differential Equs
MATH 385: Enumerative Combinatorics
MATH 386: Graph Theory and Its Appl
STAT 250: Applied Stat:Sci Tech
STAT 320: Mathematical Statistics
STAT 400: App Stat Meth:Regr Analys
Courses Depending on Group (See Group Description Below) ~ 8 credits
If 3 credits completed from Group A and no units in computer programming and no units in discrete mathematics (Group B)
- MATH 170: Discrete Mathematics
- CST 231: Problm-Solving/Programng
- CST 231L: Prob Solving & Programming Lab
If 3 units completed from Group A and 3 units in computer programming (Group B)
If 3 units completed from Group A and 3 units in discreet mathematics (Group B)
- CST 231: Problm-Solving/Programng
- CST 231L: Prob Solving & Programming Lab
- MATH 265: Diff Equs & Linear Algebra
If 5 or 6 units from Group A and no units from Group B
- MATH 170: Discrete Mathematics
- CST 231: Problm-Solving/Programng
- CST 231L: Prob Solving & Programming Lab
Description of courses from Group A and Group B completed at Community College
NOTE: All units are based on the semester and indicated minimum credits. While 3 credits are
required from Group A, no units are required from Group B.
Group A
Differential Equations ~ 3 credits
Linear Algebra ~ 3 credits
Introduction to Differential Equations and Linear Algebra ~ 5 credits
Group B
Discrete Math ~ 3 credits
Physics (Physics majors course) ~ 4 credits
Mathematical Computing Systems ~ 1 credits
Computer Programming ~ 3 credits (Any programming course that is articulated as major
preparation at a CSU)
Proof ~ 3 credits
Statistics ~ 3 credits