The Global Studies curriculum stresses a critical analysis of complex and controversial global issues, social research, oral and written communication, intercultural relations, community service and social action.
You will start by learning core theory in globalization, culture, history, political economy and global politics. Then, you will specialize in a thematic area such as: Global Culture and Ideology, Global Politics/Peace and Conflict, Global Political Economy, and International Development/Humanitarian Action or construct a faculty-approved focus relevant to your future. You will also develop global competency through service learning and international experience. Finally, you will synthesize and present your learning through a Capstone project.
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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences > Division of Social, Behavioral, and Global Studies > Global Studies Department
Included Academic Fields
International Studies ~ International Relations ~ Global Sociology ~ International/Global Political Economy ~ Anthropology ~ Development Studies ~ Humanitarian Action ~ Religious Studies ~ Gender Studies ~ Global History ~ Ecology ~ Global Literatures~ Peace and Conflict Studies
Concentrations Offered
Online Components
Some Global Studies courses involve online learning activities, online courseware, and use of online information sources. Registered majors will be active on the Global Plaza to store on going work, learning plans and samples of completed work.
Associated Course Codes