The mission of the Masters of Science program in Applied Marine & Watershed Science is to build a community of professionals who can employ sound science, technology and economics to inform environmental policies affecting the natural or managed systems of the coastal zone, extending from watersheds to the continental slope.
CSUMB is the only CSU campus offering the Applied Marine & Watershed Science degree. There are two degree options: the M.S. with thesis option and the M.S. with a professional internship option; the latter option is called the Professional Science Master's (PSM). The plans of study for both options are similar with the notable exception that instead of writing a thesis, PSM students will engage in a professional internship experience.
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College of Science, Media Arts and Technology > Division of Science and Environmental Policy
Included Academic Fields
Coastal Zone Management ~ Marine Science ~ Environmental and Resource Economics ~ Environmental Policy ~ Marine Policy ~ Environmental Science ~ Watershed Management
Associated Course Codes