CSUMB uses articulation as a general term referring to written agreements between CSUMB and other institutions within the California Community College (CCC), University of California (UC), and California State University (CSU) systems, as well as various accredited independent colleges and universities. This general term is also often used in reference to the preparation to enter a CSUMB major.

Lower-division course-to-course articulation is a formal, written, faculty-approved agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) taught at other institutions that are equivalent to, or acceptable in lieu of, specific courses/outcomes/requirements at CSUMB.

Course-to-course articulation agreements are developed for the transfer of coursework toward general transfer to CSUMB, transfer to CSUMB at the upper-division level, and transfer to CSUMB which includes meeting some of the lower-division requirements of an academic major at CSUMB. These articulation agreements spell out how specific courses completed at another institution match up with specific courses taught at CSUMB, satisfy specific University Learning Requirements (ULRs), or meet specific Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs).

Course-to-course articulation agreements for primary institutions are located on the CSUMB.EDU/articulation webpages.

Transfer Student Major Preparation

The dynamic of preparation to enter a CSUMB major is similar in that it provides a transfer pathway for students who are interested in a particular major; however, it is much more detailed. The preparation recommended for each major is unique.

Transfer to CSUMB in the following majors requires satisfactory completion, at the primary institution, of a selection of required and recommended courses:

  • Biology B.S.
  • Business Administration B.S.
  • Collaborative Health and Human Services B.A.
  • Computer Science and Information Technology B.S.
  • Environmental Science, Technology & Policy B.S.
  • Global Studies B.A.
  • Human Communication B.A.
  • Information Technology and Communications Design B.S.
  • Intergrated Studies B.A.
  • Kinesiology s B.S.
  • Liberal Studies B.A.
  • Mathematics B.S.
  • Music B.A.
  • Psychology B.A.
  • Cinematic Arts and Technology B.A.
  • Visual and Public Art B.A.

Transfer possibilities to CSUMB in the following majors are presented to interested students in a narrative format that is applicable to virtually any primary institution from which a student may transfer:

  • Social and Behavioral Sciences B.A.
  • World Languages and Cultures B.A.

Major preparation information is carried in formats, one for each primary institution, located on the CSUMB.EDU/articulation webpages. Click on the Counselor Articulation Access link. It is strongly recommended that you review this information with the assistance of the academic advising counselors assigned to you at your primary institution.

Transfer from a primary institution to the CSUMB Integrated Studies Major must be worked out directly with the program director, Dr. Barbara Mossberg (barbara_mossberg@csumb.edu).

CSUMB Articulation oversees the articulation and major preparation process described above. This office ensures that appropriate CSUMB academic program faculty members review all requests from other postsecondary institutions for course-to-course articulation, that they approve all agreements, and that they sign off on all major preparation formats which CSUMB offers as the means by which you can enter a CSUMB major as a transfer student.


ASSIST is an articulation and transfer planning system providing information about California public higher education institutions. ASSIST is designated as California's official repository of articulation and transfer information. As such, ASSIST carries all of CSUMB's course-to-course articulation information as well as major preparation information.


The Lower-Division Transfer Pattern (LDTP) project, sponsored by the California State University (CSU) and supported by the California Community Colleges, presents potential transfer students with the most direct path to a bachelor's degree in the CSU system. The LDTP project provides a set of "road maps" for students to follow that will ensure appropriate academic preparation and that will decrease time to graduation once LDTP students enter the CSU. Students may enter into an LDTP agreement up to the time they have completed 45 transferable units. Students who elect to follow the LDTP option will receive the highest priority for admission to a CSU campus.

"Highest priority for admission" is defined as a written guarantee of admission to a particular CSU campus and major, and it goes into effect when both the student and the CSU campus ratify an LDTP agreement. The guarantee is subject both to satisfactory completion of the agreement requirements and to the campus's ability to accommodate the student. Students will be asked to complete successfully a specified set of general education courses and major courses that will be common to all CSU campuses offering that major, and they will be asked to complete successfully an additional set of courses identified by the particular CSU campus named in the LDTP agreement. The coursework in the systemwide and campus-specific LDTP pattern will total at least 60 units, the number needed to transfer to CSU as an upper-division student. Through CSU Mentor and ASSIST, students and counselors will be able to find road maps detailing coursework preparation by CSU campus and major.