Because we have built our academic programs on an model, that fullfills the American Psychological Association recommendations for quality undergraduate programs, your  Individual Learning Plan will achieve your personal target outcomes while also satisfying University Learning Requirements, Graduation Learning Outcomes, and Major Learning Outcomes. Given that, you should consider the following pathways only as possibilities. These pathways serve as tools, not prescribed programs of study. Before enrolling, you can use them to get a feel for what you can do in this program. After enrolling, you and your advisors can use them as a starting point for building your personalized your ILP.

Courses by Requirement

Degree requirements are considered a guideline for graduation, and cannot replace the feedback of an academic advisor. Learn more about degree requirements at CSUMB.

Course units may only be counted once, when a course meets multiple requirements, the letter 'C' means that the completed course units were counted elsewhere.

First Year Seminar

First Year Seminar FYS 100: First Year Seminar3

University Learning Requirements

Community ParticipationAny approved course4
Creative/Artistic Expression HCOM 226: Afro Cuba Hip Hop4
Democratic Participation SBS 212: Social/Polit/Histories/US4
Engcom AAny approved course4
Engcom B GS 225: Global Voices4
Ethics GS 225: Global Voices4
Literature and Popular Culture HCOM 226: Afro Cuba Hip Hop4
Mathcom STAT 100: Introduction to Statistics4
Science Content PSY 110: Human Biology & Behavior or any approved course4
Science Methods LabAny approved course1
Science Methods LectureAny approved course3
U.S. Histories SBS 212: Social/Polit/Histories/US4
Vibrancy ActivityAny approved course1
Vibrancy Theory PSY 210: Psychobiology/Eating/Disorders or any vibrancy theory course3

Upper-division General Education

Culture & EquityAny approved course4
GWARAny approved course4
Upper Division Service LearningAny approved course4

Graduation Learning Outcomes

Culture & EquityAny approved course4
GWARAny approved course4
Language 2Any approved course4
Language 3Any approved course4
Language 4Any approved course4
Tech/InfoAny approved course4
Upper Division Service LearningAny approved course4

Major Core Courses

Major Core Course PSY 200/L: Intro/Research/Methd/Data/Anal4
Major Core Course PSY 300: Expermntl/Psy & Human/Assesmnt3
Major Core Course PSY 301 and PSY 301L or PSY 305 and PSY 305L4
Major Core Course PSY 302/L: PSY/Resear/Methods/Data/Analys4

Additional Courses

Any PSY elective3
Any approved course4
PSY 100, PSY 100L4
PSY 310: Biological Psychology series3
PSY 320: Psychopathology series3
PSY 330: Cognitive Psychology series3
PSY 340: Developmental Psychology series3
PSY 350: Social Psychology series3
PSY 400: Psychology Capstone3