This pathway assumes completion of courses equivalent to major courses: BIO 240/L: Ecology,Evol, Biodiversity, BIO 241/L: Cellular & Molecular Biology, BIO 242/L: Plant & Animal Form & Function, CHEM 110/L: Chemistry I, CHEM 111/L: Chemistry II, MATH 150: Calculus I, MATH 151: Calculus II, STAT 100: Introduction to Statistics, and ULR courses which fulfill the following requirements: Community Participation, Creative Artistic Expression, Literature Pop Culture, Democratic Participation, US History, ENGCOM A, ENGCOM B, Ethics, Vibrancy Activity, and Vibrancy Theory.

Academic Advising is essential.

Courses by Requirement

Degree requirements are considered a guideline for graduation, and cannot replace the feedback of an academic advisor. Learn more about degree requirements at CSUMB.

Course units may only be counted once, when a course meets multiple requirements, the letter 'C' means that the completed course units were counted elsewhere.

Upper-division General Education

Culture & EquityAny approved course5
Language 2Any approved course4

Graduation Learning Outcomes

Culture & EquityAny approved course5
GWAR BIO 300: Issues & Ethics in Biology4
Language 2Any approved course4
Language 3Any approved course4
Tech/Info ENVS 300L: Read Write Crit Think ENVS Lab1
Upper Division Service LearningAny approved course5

Major Learning Requirements

Click on each MLO to see which courses fulfill that requirement.

MLO 10 Biology Capstone and Advanced Electives2
MLO 2 Physical Science Foundations18
MLO 4 Communication and Ethics in Biology4
MLO 5 Information, Technology and Scientific Inquiry in Biology4
MLO 6 Advanced Knowledge in Molecular and Cellular Biology3
MLO 7 Advanced Knowledge in Organismal Biology4
MLO 8 Advanced Knowledge in Ecology, Evolution or Genetics3
MLO 9 Service in Biology0

Major Concentration Courses

Concentration courseCapstone Elective4
Concentration courseConcentration Elective4