These pathways serve as tools, not prescribed programs of study. Before enrolling, you can use them to get a feel for what you can do in this program. After enrolling, you and your advisors can use them as a starting point for building your personalized outcomes-based ILP.

This pathway, intended as a reference, shows a productive route to graduation in four years.  Your actual pathway may not look exactly like the model due to several factors:

    * Any required remedial courses, such as MATH 098 and WRT 095
    * Actual availability of courses during a given semester
    * Personal choices you make in your Individual Learning Plan, in consultation with your advisors

Courses by Requirement

Degree requirements are considered a guideline for graduation, and cannot replace the feedback of an academic advisor. Learn more about degree requirements at CSUMB.

Course units may only be counted once, when a course meets multiple requirements, the letter 'C' means that the completed course units were counted elsewhere.

First Year Seminar

First Year Seminar FYS 100: First Year Seminar3

University Learning Requirements

Community Participation LS 298S: Intro to Teaching & Learning S3
Creative/Artistic Expression TAT 230: Creative StorytellingC
Democratic Participation SBS 386: Social/Pol/Hist/CA4Upper-division
Engcom A SBS 200: Intro/Social/Behavioral/Scienc4
Engcom B HCOM 214: Interpersonal Comm & Conflict4
Ethics HCOM 214: Interpersonal Comm & ConflictC
Literature and Popular Culture TAT 230: Creative Storytelling4
Mathcom STAT 100: Introduction to Statistics4
Science Content ENVS 282: Mtry Bay:Case Sty Env Sci &Pol4
Science Methods Lab SBS 351L: Intro/Global/Economics/Lab1Upper-division
Science Methods Lecture SBS 351: Intro to Global Economics4Upper-division
U.S. Histories SBS 245: American Indian Societies4
Vibrancy ActivityAny approved course1
Vibrancy Theory KIN 263: Fdn of Well: Human Sexuality3

Upper-division General Education

Democratic Participation SBS 386: Social/Pol/Hist/CA4Upper-division
Science Content SBS 356: Intro/Geog/People/Places/Envir4Upper-division
Science Methods Lab SBS 351L: Intro/Global/Economics/Lab1Upper-division
Science Methods Lecture SBS 351: Intro to Global Economics4Upper-division

Graduation Learning Outcomes

Culture & Equity SBS 300: Major/ProSem:Theo/Meth/SBS4
GWAR SBS 308: Professional Assessment Lab2
Language 2 SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish II4
Language 3 SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I4
Language 4 SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish II4
Tech/Info CST 104: Intro to Info Competency/Tech3
Upper Division Service Learning SBS 402S: Senior Capstone Seminar II/SL2

Major Learning Requirements

MLO 1 Understanding of social and behavioral sciences SBS 308: Professional Assessment LabC
MLO 2 Research methodology, information management, retrieval, and analysis competency SBS 362 and SBS 362L5
MLO 3 Specialized disciplinary and area studies competency SBS 351L: Intro/Global/Economics/LabC
MLO 4 Application of social science principles and practices in real world contexts SBS 405: Assessment Lab/Grad/Srs1

Major Core Courses

Major Concentration Courses

Additional Courses

Elective Course4
GS 214: Global History: Ancient World4
HCOM 260: Politics & Participation4

Total: 120 units
