This pathway, intended as a reference, models graduation after earning 60 credits at CSUMB. It is unlikely that your actual pathway will look exactly like the model due to several factors:

  • The number of credits you transfer into CSUMB with, and how those credits articulate with CSUMB requirements
  • Whether or not you need to take additional courses to meet the CSUMB Language ULR as a Graduation Learning Outcome (This pathway assumes you have met the language requirement prior to your first semester at CSUMB. If not, you will need to add additional courses in consultation with your major advisors.)
  • Actual availability of courses during a given semester
  • Personal choices you make in your Individual Learning Plan – in consultation with your major advisors – including the decision to pursue more than the minimal learning requirements

Special Note

1) Upper Division Transfer Requirements: The below degree pathway assumes that Upper Division Transfer students have completed a minimum of 60 transferable semester (or 90 quarter) units with a 2.0 GPA.

2) Language: Transfer students with 56 or more transferable units must acquire language proficiency through third level (levels 101,102, and 201).

Students with proficiency in a language (whether from coursework completed in high school or fluency) should consult with the World Languages and Cultures Department for either placement level or to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to satisfy the language requirements.

Courses by Requirement

Degree requirements are considered a guideline for graduation, and cannot replace the feedback of an academic advisor. Learn more about degree requirements at CSUMB.

Course units may only be counted once, when a course meets multiple requirements, the letter 'C' means that the completed course units were counted elsewhere.

First Year Seminar

University Learning Requirements

Ethics KIN 345: Sports Ethics 4Upper-division
Science Methods Lab KIN 370/L: Anatomy & Physiology I CUpper-division
Science Methods Lecture KIN 370/L: Anatomy & Physiology I 4Upper-division

Upper-division General Education

Ethics KIN 345: Sports Ethics 4Upper-division
Science Methods Lab KIN 370/L: Anatomy & Physiology I CUpper-division
Science Methods Lecture KIN 370/L: Anatomy & Physiology I 4Upper-division

Graduation Learning Outcomes

Culture & Equity VPA 313: Regional Art History C
GWAR VPA 313: Regional Art History 4
Tech/InfoAny approved course4
Upper Division Service Learning KIN 471S: Service Learning: KIN Majors 3

Major Learning Requirements

MLO 1 Knowledge of Kinesiology KIN 499: Senior Capstone II 2
MLO 3 Multicultural Competency KIN 450: Exer Prescript for Special Pop 3
MLO 4 Personal and Professional Ethics and Communication KIN 345: Sports Ethics C
MLO 5 Collaboration KIN 421L: Essential of Exercise Sci Lab 3
MLO 6 Leadership KIN 440: Phys & Biomech Anaerobic Exer 3
MLO 7 Service Learning KIN 471S: Service Learning: KIN Majors C
MLO 8 Subject Matter Competency in Concentration KIN 469: Sp Top Intern: Exercise Sci 4

Major Core Courses

Major Concentration Courses

Additional Courses

Total: 60 units

This is assuming a transfer student has entered CSUMB with 60 units
