Related Careers

Social and Behavioral Science majors graduate from CSUMB with valuable and identifiable skill sets that make them desirable to employers and graduate schools. We remind our new graduates that it is not the degree that makes them competitive in the workforce or graduate school, but how they apply themselves.

Placements in the workforce range from counselors, teachers, and social workers to corporate managers, urban planners, and political leaders. Our program gives you the planning skills necessary to direct a successful campaign of self-development that will improve your standing in whichever field you choose to excel.

Graduate Study

Our students have been accepted into the most competitive graduate programs in the country in the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, history, and geography.

They have attended a variety of graduate institutions including UC Irvine, UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara, Sonoma State, and San José State. The list goes on!

We look forward to adding you to our list of success stories!