If you are interested in the Marine Science major, you may declare at any time. If you are interested in marine biology, you may wish to major in either Marine Science or Biology (General Biology concentration), depending on your specific interests and goals. Both majors have similar basic science and math requirements (chemistry, at least a semester of calculus, two or three semesters of biology, one or two semesters of physics), so you don't need to decide which is the best major until the end of your sophomore year. 

Though you can consult the course pathways as general guides to planning your Marine Science coursework requirements, you are STRONGLY encouraged to meet with a science advisor during your first semester at CSUMB. We welcome inquiries from both current and prospective students. The published course pathways are suggestions for how to complete the degree in eight semesters, but students who work or have family responsibilities may need to take lighter course loads and add some summer courses.    

You are strongly encouraged to meet in person with your science advisor each semester. Your advisor will help you plan your CSUMB courses and complete your Individual Learning Plan. The ILP is a form that allows you to list the classes you will take to fulfill all degree requirements. The ILP form and other advising documents are available from the Division of Science and Environmental Policy website.

To contact a Marine Science advisor, visit the Science office in the Chapman Science Center, Room S314; email sep_office@csumb.edu; or call 831-582-4120 or 831-582-4739.