This minor offers you an opportunity to explore your interests in creative writing and social action, and to tailor your minor curriculum to your major. You acquire the creative, critical, visual, and cultural tools necessary to write poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and life stories. You do service learning around community writing projects, and collaborate with community partners.

The minor advances your creative writing craft, prepares you to more effectively express your creative ideas, and asks you to use writing to address social issues. It prepares you for careers in writing, editing, publishing, and social action.

Integration with Majors

The Creative Writing and Social Action Minor provides a way for you to integrate creative writing with any major. You will benefit from the program if you are:

  • An Environmental Science, Technology & Policy major interested in using poems and stories to motivate environmental responsibility related to issues such as global warming, toxic racism, and pesticide effects
  • A Information Technology and Communications Design major interested in using creative text in your communications design work
  • A Visual and Public Art major who wants to integrate poetry and creative text into your art
  • A World Languages and Cultures major interested in writing life stories or testimonios about bilingual or multicultural communities
  • A Music major who wants to write song lyrics
  • A Collaborative Health and Human Services major interested in using creative writing to motivate social responsibility related to issues such as healthcare
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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences > Division of Humanities and Communication > Creative Writing and Social Action Program

Online Components


Associated Major

Human Communication B.A.

Associated Course Codes


Revised 7/14/05