Undergraduate Majors and Concentrations

To give you an edge in the 21st-century workplace by arming you with broad and adaptable knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes, at CSUMB we offer dynamic multiple-focus degree programs. Most CSUMB majors integrate several traditional fields of study to give you the breadth of knowledge and depth of skills so highly valued by employers. Many of the majors incorporate concentrations that also allow you to focus your studies within the broader interdisciplinary context.

In this section, you can use the navigation to browse through our majors to find those matching your specific interests. Alternatively, you can use the Career/Academic Fields listing in our A-Z Index to look up potential career choices and see which CSUMB degree programs will prepare you for those fields.

Bachelor of Arts

Collaborative Health and Human Services
Global Studies
Human Communication
Integrated Studies

Liberal Studies
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Teledramatic Arts and Technology
Visual and Public Arts
World Languages and Cultures

Bachelor of Science

Business Administration
Computer Science and Information Technology

Environmental Science, Technology & Policy
Information Technology & Communication Design
