Kinesiology B.S ~ Degree Requirements

Semester Credits Required

Total credits: 120-124

Credits in the major: 55-60 (depending on concentration)

Outcomes, Courses, and Assessment

You officially begin the major with KIN 300, where you create and/or revise an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) with faculty guidance. The ILP is a personalized plan for fulfilling the required Major Learning Outcomes, listed below, by successfully completing courses and passing formal assessments of your individual experience and knowledge. The ILP culminates in a Senior Capstone, a publicly presented project that displays your cumulative learning in the major. [Learn more at CSUMB.EDU/capstone].

MLO 1 Knowledge of Human Performance and Wellness ~ Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental content, principles, and issues common in the fields of human performance and health and wellness, including exercise science, human development, neurological foundations of learning, movement, nutrition, and community health.

MLO 2 Research Methods ~ Demonstrate the ability to use diverse methods of inquiry to analyze a human performance or wellness related issue. This includes acquiring, evaluating, interpreting, synthesizing, applying, documenting, and presenting scientific and social science knowledge.

MLO 3 Multicultural Competency ~ Demonstrate the ability to deliver kinesthetic and wellness services by communicating effectively across cultural groups, assessing the needs and capabilities of culturally diverse populations, and engaging in this process with mutual respect and sensitivity with others.

MLO 4 Personal and Professional Ethics and Communication ~ Demonstrate the ability to articulate the values and ethics that are the foundation for practices in human performance and wellness; to recognize areas of conflict between the professional values and the student’s own; and to interact ethically and effectively in written, interpersonal, and group communication.

MLO 5 Collaboration ~ Demonstrate the ability to work in teams across professions, settings, programs, agencies, and disciplines, and in diverse communities. While doing so, demonstrate prowess at establishing common missions and purposes, applying knowledge of group process and group interaction, and collaborating with others in decision making, learning, and completing tasks.

MLO 6 Leadership ~ Demonstrate an understanding and adroit command of the skills needed to motivate others in diverse settings and communities. These include promoting a shared vision and setting clear directions for implementing sustained changes.

  • Complete one of the following: KIN 366; KIN 367; KIN 382; KIN 376; KIN 376L

MLO 7 Service Learning ~ Demonstrate the ability to share the relevance and importance of the human performance and wellness discipline and its services. Work collaboratively with culturally, linguistically, technologically, and economically diverse populations in the context of issues related to social responsibility, justice, diversity, and compassion.

MLO 8 Subject Matter Competency in Concentration

  • Complete up to 30 credits within one of the four KIN concentrations (Wellness; Human Movement: Adapted Physical Activity; Exercise Science; Interdisciplinary Concentration: Sport/Outdoor Education Focus). This coursework is typically completed simultaneously with the Core Curriculum during your junior and senior year. See a Kinesiology Concentration Advisor for specific information.