Integrated Studies Special Major, B.A. ~ Careers and Graduate Study

Related Careers

ISSM graduates, by definition, are both entrepreneurial in career goals and ambitious academically, with strong ethical commitments and desire to serve and be influential. They are highly prepared to enter a variety of fields with essential abilities to connect diverse kinds of information; identify, organize, develop, and maximize resources; and work creatively and productively on problem-solving in a community setting. Having experience in an independent and individualized program, with close working relationships with a team of faculty, they have strong interpersonal communication skills.

ISSM graduates have already distinguished themselves locally and globally. They have developed and run their own businesses of significance to local communities and global organizations. They have entered careers in law; medicine; education; business; technology; print, electronic, digital, and production media; performance arts; community leadership and civic service; and international service.

Many ISSM students have a global aspect to their career plans, and international experience in their courses of study. Many are developing strategies to widen people’s access to information across cultures, from politics to health. A significant percentage have entered international work immediately upon graduation.

The organizations hiring ISSM graduates have included science and media laboratories, world health and policy organizations, community development organizations, and city management.

Graduate Study

The field of integrated studies produces majors who are sought after in graduate programs in multiple fields. ISSM graduates are very competitive, as the requirement for students to make a sustained effective case for an individualized major equips them for the independent research and active roles characteristic of graduate work.


Revised 5/25/05