Hispanic Cultures and History Minor ~ Degree Requirements

Credits Required

Total credits in the minor: 16

Credits at CSUMB:12-16


Approval from the School of World Languages and Cultures

Outcomes, Courses, and Assessment

You must achieve both of the Learning Outcomes designated below by successfully completing courses or alternative assessment options as described in the section that follows.

LO 1 Cultural knowledge ~ students can provide a comparative description and basic analysis of the peoples, history, and culture of the Spanish-speaking world (including the Hispanic Southwest) ~ students engage in the learning of cultural customs (e.g. quinceañera, compadrazgo, Día de los muertos, Carnaval), practices (e.g. religious, ofrendas, fiestas, curanderismo, Cuaresma), products (e.g. literature, art, music), and perspectives (e.g. cosmovisión, worldviews, cultural values, national & cultural identity, etc.); and other skills necessary for crosscultural communication

  • You must complete at least one of the following literature-based courses:
    SPAN 261 Contemporary Chicano Literature
    SPAN 262 Latin American Literature in Translation
    SPAN 328  Latina Life Stories in Comparative Context;
    SPAN 329 Auto/biografías
    SPAN 365 The Chicano Novel

LO 2 Historical Knowledge ~ students can provide a comparative description and analysis of the diverse peoples and histories of the Spanish-speaking world over a significant time period (at least one hundred years), which must include the Hispanic peoples of the United States

  • You must complete at least one of the following history-based courses:
    SPAN 307 History and Politics of Mexico
    SPAN 308 History and Culture of Aztlán: The Southwestern United States
    SPAN 309 History and Politics of Latin America;
    SPAN 311 U.S. Foreign Policy in the Pacific Rim and Third World Countries

    SPAN 370 The Chicano Community

In addition to these learning experiences, you must complete two additional Hispanic  culture or history courses to complete the 16-credit requirement. In order to promote interdisciplinarity within the minor, you may take one related course from another CSUMB academic program.

Related Courses

HCOM 328 Latina Life Stories; HCOM 329 Auto-biografías; HCOM 344 Chicana / Latina Experiences; HCOM 345 Chicano Life and History; HCOM 455 Paradigms of the Chicana/o Community; SBS 325 Art of the Aztec Empire; SBS 348 Ancient Maya Civilization; VPA 319 Chicana/o Art History: Image, Ideology and Iconography